Legalising weed

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Do you agree with it or na?

I think it’s aight tbh would certainly make some sense and would stop kids smoking harmful fake shit or weed that was smuggled in via the hot sweaty arsehole of a Chinese drug mule.

/inb4 Americans be like “wE aLrEaDy dId”
/inb4 duties be like “clog clog yes we already have legal weed bro I smoke it in my windmill”

No. Degenerative practice and I detest anyone who endorses the use of weed on a strictly recreational basis.
However, I recognise the medical benefits of THC related products, especially for the treatment of some cancers.
I don't think the question can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". I think it is a lot of what-if scenarios.

I have 2 scenarios in mind. Either;
- Legalize it for Medical Use only, OR
- Legalize it in private areas.
Let me elaborate before people judge me for thinking this; I am an asthmatic and I don't think smoking belongs on the streets. I can't walk down the main street in my city without smokers blowing smoke in my face, and I have quite a bit of trouble breathing. Now this is just normal cigarettes and my opinion on those are the exact same - should only be allowed on private properties or inside restaurants/bars that allow it.

When I went to Japan, they had smoke-free streets. The ONLY areas you were allowed to smoke was few designated areas outside some buildings and other than that, all smoking was indoors at cafes that allowed it with clear signs so a person with fucked lungs like me can avoid it.
A benefit of legalisation I can see is reduced amount of exploitation of vulnerable people through cuckooing because potential buyers can get their fix from the chemist, or the supermarket.

Some disadvantages of legalisation is the risk of mental health issues, addiction ruining lives and trying more risky drugs. I think an age limit of 21 would be the absolute minimum for legalisation, and probably quite respected.
Alcohol is legal because they couldn't enforce it, they tried to stop alcohol use and production during prohibition yet still, people (mainly gangs) would illegally bootleg large shipments of alcohol and continue to use, and distribute it.
Modern day is a similar situation, an herb that grows from the ground and is scientifically proven to yield no negative effects except for possible panick attacks, raiding a fridge, and getting stuck to a couch. They legalized it in the majority of states and continue to get closer to all 50 states being legal day by day because just like the alcohol weed was getting smuggled and used even through illegality.
Nicotine is far worse, Alcohol is far worse, Over the counter prescriptions are worse. It's been used since hundreds if not thousands of years before this thread was even made and it was all for medicinal purposes.
Alcohol is legal because it’s not actually made to get you wasted, its mostly intended to be sipped and enjoyed with a meal or in a social setting. Whilst the sole recreational use of cannabis is generally to get high. People who are “wEeD cOnnIseuRs“ are usually just morons.
Here in the USA we like to have some lovely contradicting drug possession charges such as It is legal in the state of Florida for me to possess up to 4 ounces and 22000mg of THC on me at once. Only in the state of Florida and not on the federal level, DEA agents can arrest not local law enforcement. If I pass the state border to Georgia I'm breaking the law in the state of Georgia and on a federal level. Marijuana's illegality has contributed to billions of dollars wasted in the USA prison system and makes law-abiding citizens felons on a federal level or in another state for laws contradicting each other. I think people need to grow up and realize that people who want to use it can and will. It's the most common illegal substance in the world and has no lethal consequences. With regards to the "addictive" traits of weed anyone who has ever taken a drug knows that every drug has addictive traits. I just personally see that anyone who votes for the illegality of marijuana (more specifically medical) is completely ignorant of what weed actually is.
The danger is when you take too much. Why does every consequence have to be lethal to be considered a threat? Marijuana in large doses can cause hallucinations and psychosis. It's not necessarily lethal, but it is stuff that can mess with your life. A study from NIDA also shows that a teenager will see a decline in their performance and IQ.
All this being said, I think marijuana should be state regulated. The chance that you will get poor quality that might actually mess up your brain is much higher if the government doesn't regulate it.

Personally, I would not feel safe letting the public smoke it until more research is done. We don't know nearly enough about the effects of breathing in second hand smoke from Marijuana, and that's just not a risk that I am willing to take.
I think generally speaking, marijuana is a safe, and non addictive substance. So straight off the bat, anyone who claims marijuana alone is a "gateway drug" or "highly addictive" is lying. Now that goes without saying that any substance, whether it be a hard drug, or just something like weed is bad for the developing brain. To curb this in Maine at least you need to be 21 to apply for your recreational license. And in some rare instances you are able to get your medical license at the age of 17+ with parental consent. Some will argue that if you take too much it can be harmful, if marijuana was made legal, this would open up dispensaries across the country or state. These dispensaries are held to code, and are required to inform the customer about their product. Overall the chances of someone smoking something that is way to strong for them is unlikely. Marijuana doesn't just have to be recreational either, much like alcohol it is often used to "take the edge" of things if you will, and in some cases can help with anxiety. I don't see many downsides to legalizing marijuana, and ultimately I don't believe it's the government's job to restrict a substance that isn't proven to be harmful towards the user. And in the end, if people want to smoke, they are going to smoke. I am open to discussion.
Age restriction is a must. Marijuana doesn't cause people to try other drugs, nor can you get addicted to it as you can nicotine. Overall the people your surrounded by lead you to try different things, not the substance itself. It's a major flaw I see in the discussion against why it should be kept illegal, and it's just plain wrong. Keep in mind I may be slightly biased.
I know this applies for Maine. Smoking Marijuana outside is strictly prohibited, and counts as public intoxication. You can get in huge trouble for it actually. And I believe that is the case for most places where it is legal.