Let people try to escape from cops

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Main idea: Currently, if you get pulled over, you can not escape unless you have a valid reason such as being wanted for example. Since the player base is so low, and people are kinda already doing this, let them do it.

Description: I'm pretty sure this has been suggested before, but I believe that now with the low player base, we need more roleplay scenarios, and let people be freer. So I suggest that we allow people to try to escape from cops, even for minor things, but they are not allowed to start a shootout because of it.

Let me give you an example. You have been recklessly driving on the highway, speeding and drifting in the highway bends, an RTU officer catches you on their speed radar and they try to pull you over. I want to allow the suspect to try to escape, to make it more fun, and to get more roleplay scenarios happening. Of course, if the suspect decides to start a pursuit, they must know that they are taking the risk of getting caught, and if they do. They are not allowed to use deadly force.

This would be a rule change to 3.4, but I want to discuss this idea, and see what you guys input is.

Pros: More fun, both for cops and criminals. More roleplay scenarios.

Cons: Might cause unnecessary situations, like accidentally running pedestrians over?
No thank you, Pros: More fun, both for cops and criminals. More roleplay scenarios. Like are you speaking on behalf of cops? I don't want every person I stop for running a red light to drive off and lead on a merry chase just because they are bored, another idea to make the server a cops and robbers mode.
This would be a rule change to 3.4, but I want to discuss this idea, and see what you guys input is.
Should probably make a rule discussion then

I’m not completely against this but there needs to be big limitations on the results of the pursuit, dont exactly want to chase someone for running a red light for them to spray my car up and start a fat shootout.
Yea, I was thinking if I should make a rule change suggestion but deiced to post it here, cause maybe there are other options for this suggestion.

I highly agree that if this would be added, then we need some limitations so that it doesn't happen 24/7
Maybe running a red light is not that justifiable. I was more thinking of maybe having drugs on you, or a firearm.
People sometimes driving off is OK since it adds an unexpected factor which can be interesting at times.
Although, making it ok to try to escape for anything will be very annoying for the police and highly unrealistic as everyone would just drive off. Who wouldn't, if it was allowed.
That's why it needs limitations to it, but right now, I feel that it is too strict.
3.19 Evading arrest
When Players are evading arrest, they must do so realistically, for example, if a player evades arrest by initiating a police pursuit they must demonstrate to an Administrator that he had a reasonable chance of escaping.
@Lelios1 For example, running a red light will not give you a reason to evade police. But maybe if you would have drugs on you, then you could.
Gotta say though, this would keep RTU In shape, I’ve seen RTU dealing with someone they actually ought to be chasing and Jesus fucking Christ they’re only a risk to themselves and other officers.
Nobody cares if you drive off from a traffic stop for a car chase once in a while, it's fun.

What's annoying is when people do it just so they can bait a reason to shoot police over traffic offences.
na the other day we sped off from a traffic stop and cops just stopped on the highway to whinge in OOC Instead of chasing us.
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