we didnt put much time in setting up permissions just for this so if we'd blacklist tnt everyone with op would still be able to use it
i had a backup anyways so the map is still fine lol
If the server is back up I will hop on and help w/ stonehenge. Already spent too much time on this building FD, Slums, Regals, all the non-enterable background buildings, Hospital, Coffee & Fish Shop, City Garage, 100% of Suburbs (including Church, Jennifer's & Storage) and the landscape for Forest entirely on my own, as well as having huge parts in building the PD with @Garret_Pp and doing all the Worldedit magic for Bazaar, business shops and later, the updated highway bends.
I'll put the server on again tomorrow to fully finish the map. @Collier
If people want to join and take a look or help, feel free. Whitelist will be off.
If you come to ruin it and blow shit up, feel free. Can't guarantee you being able to.
This will probably be one of the last times so if you want to join grab your chance.
I'll let know tomorrow when it's up.