Lets resuscitate Paralake City Council.

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Description of the idea: To reintroduce and bring back to life the City Council. This was a fantastic idea which for some reason has been left to collect dust. I personally think it should be run as a two party system. One party in favour of progression and the other party essentially conservative. Each Party would have 1 leader and then various members. There should be elections to decide which party has control of the council and then the other party would essentially be the opposition. Members from both sides can put forward Bills and Suggestions and then they are voted on accordingly. There should also be input from individuals who are not members of the Council so players etc. A speaker should also be chosen in order to keep "order" within the debates and keep everything on track.

Why should this be added? (pros): This would bring some exciting RP to the server and encourage a community spirit! I have noticed the server is full of politically tuned in individuals so with the right execution and dedication this could really pop off and promote passive RP. It would allow for debates, political campaigning and much more.

What negatives could this have? (cons): The only negative I can personally see is it being left to die which would be a real shame. Other than that I can't think of any.

This is the basic presence of the idea, it would be nice to hear from you guys on anything which you believe should be mentioned!
The last iteration of the City Council, in my opinion, was terrible. It started off good, the elections were fine and the first few meetings had full attendance from the elected members and had a large attendance from the community who were putting forward their ideas and discussing it, then after a few meetings, we would only have a few of the elected members and only a handful of community members there.
Another thing that went wrong was some of the elected council members either should not have had the position in the first place (@rogue) who spent the entirety of his last meeting muted, blind voting for things and was demoted on the spot mid-meeting after being questioned by Tinyslayer or were bad, such as Skudist who was an open communist and was trying to change the server politics to communism.

I think that if the City Council did return, it would need to be executed flawlessly and if it somehow is, the elected members need to be the best and I honestly don't think you can find 7 members from this community who have similar ideas and can work well together who also arent either cop mains or crim mains whose whole goal is to fuck over the other party and either make cops more OP or crims more OP.
Was a brilliant idea, poorly executed though as virtually everyone who was elected decided last minute to just be terrible at their job.

The ideas bought up by the city council were generally kinda fucking stupid, featuring ideas such as adding “gun control” to PERP and, as mallard pointed out above, communism. At times it seemed as if people were more interested in screwing over the gameplay experience certain demographics of players who the council member in general had issues with.

I dunno, I like how it is right now with the laws being voted for in game (albeit it seems little progress is being made with this system).
The evidence he has is all the witnesses, that heard you and the rest of the group try to vote on a “Fruit of the poisonous tree” law without knowing what it was, you thought it would force cops to ignore drugs they saw while trespassing etc... but when the law in fact would result in a raid but no charges.. when I explained this, you voted against it.
From what I remember is that you were AFK during these meetings and voted of what others said.

You provide evidence, or YOU will be REMOVED.

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