Lets talk about Community Managers.

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I want to start this off by saying i do not have anything against either of the Community Managers, and i believe they have done great during their time.

However i am once again conflicted about the role of the Community Managers, I have tried my best to be as positive as i can to the Community Managers jobs and the role itself, however i keep questioning how much more the current community managers can give us, both Tyla and Efan have done really well and they have done some very important work, and i genuinely believe that they have changed the community for the better.

However, at one point theres a time where you need to change it up a bit and try different ideas and get a different view on the server, it's necessities and what the people want.

I have talked with alot of people that are displeased with how the current state of the Community Managers is and alot of people share the same thoughts as me, aswell as that we feel the Community Managers have gotten a very Adminstrative Role, even though it was prefaced that they would be doing ''basic moderation of chat related stuff'' and people would like to see a change, which is why i believe we should have a new election for new Community Managers.
I very much agree with this. Things need to change.
I think we should get new cms, that does more than the bare minimum, that interacts with the community and ESPECIALLY the helpers. When I was helper it was very little interaction unless something was wrong or report count. Get Cms that actually follows their own inactivity requirements.
That engages in the community.

I get that they are busy and that's fine, step off the throne and give it to someone else that is willing to work with the community.
I think the community managers have done more than enough for this community, taking their own time to do things for others and help make it a safer and more friendly environment. I don't see a point of getting new cm when they're doing just fine.
lets keep the trend of ex-naughty boys and give me CM

seriously i think the current ones do a fine job and while the role has become slightly more administrative-leaning i like the direction its taken and the original intended role is still being fulfilled, the current cms are good, theres not exactly as much to solve as community manager anymore and theyve steered the community in a great direction
your post seems kinda vague…

What is it you want/expect from the community managers (regardless of who they are)?

The work they have done since they were given the role is incredible and the server has moved so far forward, can’t expect them to spend their lives on the server though…
I very much agree with this. Things need to change.
I think we should get new cms, that does more than the bare minimum, that interacts with the community and ESPECIALLY the helpers. When I was helper it was very little interaction unless something was wrong or report count. Get Cms that actually follows their own inactivity requirements.
That engages in the community.

I get that they are busy and that's fine, step off the throne and give it to someone else that is willing to work with the community.
Also forgot to mention safeguarding refferals, feels like it isn't being propperly dealt with.

Bro is on a mission….
aswell as that we feel the Community Managers have gotten a very Adminstrative Role
im not quite sure what the problem with this is, both have had staff experience and I don’t think this really change’s anything
we feel the Community Managers have gotten a very Adminstrative Role, even though it was prefaced that they would be doing ''basic moderation of chat related stuff'' and people would like to see a change, which is why i believe we should have a new election for new Community Managers.

i'm not really one to speak here but this part sticks out to me like a bit of a sore thumb, you disagree with the nature of the duties that the cms are performing so you think there should be an election for new ones? i'm sure you've more to say than that but that's a very vague explanation for why you would have different people and i think you ought to shine a bit more light on it as it's a pretty weak argument for dropping our current cms and trying to find new ones. if you have an issue with the current state of the role or the people in the role then there are other options for addressing that rather than resorting to kicking them out after their long and beneficial tenure.
I can take other criticism but this is not fair at all. My activity hasn’t been great as I have moved house and not had wifi for about a month and a half on top of the fact I have a new job. However, my activity will resume normality.

But on your topic of safeguarding, every single request we’ve had has been dealt with quickly and confidentially. Not exactly sure what qualifies you to say this and I’d like you to expand or take back what you said because you are horribly misinformed.
King mentality
I can take other criticism but this is not fair at all. My activity hasn’t been great as I have moved house and not had wifi for about a month and a half on top of the fact I have a new job. However, my activity will resume normality.

But on your topic of safeguarding, every single request we’ve had has been dealt with quickly and confidentially. Not exactly sure what qualifies you to say this and I’d like you to expand or take back what you said because you are horribly misinformed.
I don’t see how it’s unfair.
I’ve heard from quite a lot of people that they are not happy with the curreny CM situation. What do the cms do about it? Find some dumb excuse to brush it under the carpet. You come back, do the bare minimum and go inactive again.


And for the safeguarding refferals: I will not take it back, you should know exactly what I am talking about, or it was just brushed under the carpet and forgotten about‍♀️
People want Community managers to intervene in rule breaks, until them doing so affects them.

The role of "Community manager" is an obvious case of self explanation. Their job is to manage the community.

If this requires them to take action and ban players, regardless of the circumstances, this is literally in their job description. Management involves moderation, This is a clear and obvious fact, denying this is stupid. If anything, If I saw @Tyla Jai or @Efan not intervene in a rulebreak where a player is being negatively affected if they saw it, This would generate a far poorer image of Community Management than them "Doing a moderators job".

Just so you know, and as cemented in yesterdays staff meeting, ALL Staff with the ability to do so, Including Developers, Can intervene in rule breaks they witness and ban users. Furthermore, Any staff member can take action for 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 they witness.
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However, at one point theres a time where you need to change it up a bit and try different ideas and get a different view on the server, it's necessities and what the people want.
And what is this new view? What do people want? You can't say this and expect anything to change. Vagueness is not the answer. If you're going to state something like this, at least provide some sort of referral.

I have talked with alot of people that are displeased with how the current state of the Community Managers is and alot of people share the same thoughts as me, aswell as that we feel the Community Managers have gotten a very Adminstrative Role, even though it was prefaced that they would be doing ''basic moderation of chat related stuff'' and people would like to see a change, which is why i believe we should have a new election for new Community Managers.
This can simply be resolved by changing their permissions.

On that same topic, changing it is unnecessary. Tyla has moderator experience, and so does Efan. Although they've taken on a role of which its main purpose isn't moderation, I believe I heard Fredy permitted the combination of Moderator and Community Manager permissions for the occasion that they end up taking on reports.

You don't actually see them moderating much over other moderators, but them being able to handle reports when necessary helps alleviate some of the work the rest of us have to do.

I think we should get new cms, that does more than the bare minimum, that interacts with the community and ESPECIALLY the helpers. When I was helper it was very little interaction unless something was wrong or report count. Get Cms that actually follows their own inactivity requirements.
Efan has been very clear that he has been unavailable for things that have largely been outside his control.
I regularly see him online or on the server whenever I am online. And he has been almost always reachable by Steam, Discord or Slack.

Things need to change.
Additionally, and I will reiterate; what needs to change? As previously stated, this is incredibly vague and I feel that this is simply being said because of stagnation.

The lack of action ≠ CMs not doing anything. If anything, they maintain community resolutions, community bans, enforce safeguarding and are entirely focused on the community's feedback.

If you have something to say, and for the love of god be specific, you should provide said feedback to the Community Managers. If it's an idea, post it in the Ideas & Suggestions. Community Suggestions are mainly handled by the CMs, but if you just say "nothing is happening, we want change" without even trying yourself. The last Community Suggestion that was handled was on the 17th of January, this year.

If anything, Community Suggestions work.

I believe your view of "bare minimum" differs from mine. Sure, main interactions between me and the CMs back when I was Helper did involve activity, reports and general announcements, but there were also Community Spotlights, Helper run Events, help.perpheads.com guide writing and general discussion around community matters. I found myself frequently contacting the CM team in regards to all sorts of things. If you don't involve yourself, you can't expect much interaction.

Not only is "New CMs" a flawed way of thinking, it brings another set of challenges, such as finding the right candidates who have the committment, skills and patience required to do the job. It's not quite that easy to simply find a new candidate out of the blue. And what's stopping them from doing the so-called "bare minimum"?

theres not exactly as much to solve as community manager anymore and theyve steered the community in a great direction
Tyla and Efan kicked ass when they first joined, and Sorle said it well. PerpHeads is generally in a much better place than it was in 2018-ish. Just because they've run the list of improvements dry, it doesn't mean they've stopped doing their job. A good chunk of what they do is behind the scenes.

Also forgot to mention safeguarding refferals, feels like it isn't being propperly dealt with.
Given that SGRs are anonymous, there is literally no way for you to receive feedback unless you tag your name in the referral. However I can confirm that they're being dealt with from past experience.

I'm sure if you reach out to a Community Manager, and are specific when referring to a past SGR you've filed, they'd provide some sort of feedback if given that they're at liberty to disclose such information. Though, that's unlikely.

I’ve heard from quite a lot of people that they are not happy with the curreny CM situation. What do the cms do about it? Find some dumb excuse to brush it under the carpet.
Again, specificity. This is a blanket statement and will get you nowhere.

And for the safeguarding refferals: I will not take it back, you should know exactly what I am talking about
Unless you tagged yourself, they don't.
I don’t see how it’s unfair.
I’ve heard from quite a lot of people that they are not happy with the curreny CM situation. What do the cms do about it? Find some dumb excuse to brush it under the carpet. You come back, do the bare minimum and go inactive again.


And for the safeguarding refferals: I will not take it back, you should know exactly what I am talking about, or it was just brushed under the carpet and forgotten about‍♀️
You still haven’t actually said what you want from community managers that they aren’t doing apart from one incident about safeguarding?
I thought this was a meme post for a sec. All the cms on this server are solid why are people complaining lol. I came from a shit community where their cms gave 2 shots about the server and they never played. I am confused is this a meme post? Efan has been nothing but helpful.