Lewis088 - Lewis Robertson

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Lewis088 - Lewis Robertson

Lewis spent most of his day yesterday making a fish market, this looked absolutely brilliant and I thought that he really did deserve a recommendation because of it, it encouraged many people to RP there.

This place had a massive sign out the front saying "Robertson's fish market" this enticed many players and many joined Lewis.
@LEWIS 088
He is dedicated to selling fish I give him that. I have seen it and it was truly brilliant even when I was called about a man with a machete to find Lewis chopping fish up. I really think he deserves to remain as a big part of the community I have not had a full rp sit with him but from what I have seen I would love to.

Plus this thread smells fishy.
Personally haven't had much of a chance to RP with him due to not bumping into him much (most likely because of my own inactivity), but from when I have talked with him or played with him he has been a great roleplayer.

Keep it up mate :)
Recently I have loved Lewis's roleplay!
When I visited his fish market the other day I asked if there were any cheap fish so he spawned a burnt cod calling it "Crispy Cod"
I support you with this Aaron