Server Suggestion Limits on the drug dealer

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Description of the idea:
Make the drug dealer only accept certain drugs every time their at a location.

People with the drug dealers number will receive a text saying what drug is “hot” right now and which drugs they don’t need.

For example, the drug dealer text will look like:
”Wag1 fam, I‘m behind ragnatech, Meth is in high demand right now. Don’t bother bringing me any cocaine, I’ve got more than enough”.

The current value of drugs should be -$25, the specific drug he is looking for will be the full price, and the drug He doesn’t want wont even be accepted.

Maybe players with a low total playtime could be exempt from this system if at all possible? Like 3 days play time or less.

Another addition should be seeds and shroomies should be similar to the ephedrine system, where they are limited in numbers til the DD moves. Examples of this include:
- By default the DD should have 200 of each seed.
- The “hot” drug will have significantly less seeds available (75-100).
- The drug dealer will have an incredibly large stock of seeds for the drugs he doesn’t want.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Makes growing slightly more difficult in terms of removing the instant profit.
- Realistic.
- Makes growing a far more competitive scene and could drive full time growers into raiding rivals more.
- Would give far more incentive to make seeding batches.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Might be hard to find out what drug is wanted by the DD and what isn’t if you don’t have his number (should be harder imo Though).​
Tbh id like to see a 200 seed/purchase limit for everything he sells. Would give an incentive for “black market” seeding operations if you will. Would add some really cool RP and gameplay elements.
this will be worst profit than before the drug update, I can't be arsed to wait 3 hours for him to move just to be selling again what i don't need. Also cocain being the main drug, people won't be able to sell because as soon as it is cocain people will camp DD like a pack of wolves
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Play smart then lol. Dealing drugs shouldn’t be the girl Scout tier risk activity it is today.
and? It is ridiculously easy to make money these days. Before planter boxes or chemical table update, you would make something like 24k every 40 min. Now it is easily 3 or 4 times as much. There's also no threat to selling drugs right now, you can literally hold a pistol in your hand and easily sell 10k drugs in a matter of minutes or simply get shot and lose a pistol worth 5k. Crazy.
@MAGE this but the pistol is actually worth less than 5K lmao. No real risk to dealing drugs til PLPD get involved.
Complaining about the drug system when its already stupidly OP, this will make it better.
I don't see this fixing the economy. In fact I think it will do the opposite sending perp back into that state were making money, was actually really hard and you had to put in a significant amount of time to make any money. If the economy is to be nerfed then lets modify the yield taken per coke and weed.

Potentially what might help is actually just a demand system. If lots of drugs have been sold recently then the overall amount sold per bag is less than a base price. Ie 500 drugs have been sold in the past 20 minutes. The base price for a bag of drugs is $100. -5% from that as loads have been sold recently. Making each bag worth $95, or something along those lines. It will definetly force players to be smarter and the same for seeds, if loads have been sold recently then the price of seeds is put up. This way you never have to wait ages for something to be back in stock and is really just the players choice whether they want to pay more for seeds or lose money for their drug selling.
How is your suggestion any different though? You will still need to wait a few hours if you didn't sell or buy at the start.
You could still buy seeds with the suggestion whenever you want, at least from what I understood.
This was a thing in the V1 dealer I believe, they would only buy 1 drug and sell 1 drug and it would change everytime they moved. It was annoying and on bad days you could almost never sell your product and have to try again later.

I'd be okay if the dealer as you said would accept less (and less money in return) on drugs that aren't usually needed and maybe limit it some way that players can't sell a container full of these things and become the next Jeff Bezos.
No, Benji is suggesting a limited supply essentially. My idea is that there isn't a limited supply but you take a money penalty if something has been bought/sold recently
ive got 10k coke in storage if the cunt says he dont need it im going to fucking lose it.

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