Links containing a Virus being sent to people on steam.

Reaction score
England, Norfolk
Some of you may not know but recently I have had several people i do not recognize on my profile posting links until recently a pattern was found and I launch a investigation. The investigation confirms that the links did contain one or more Virus. One of the people who sent this has made it known that he is not intentionally sending the links.

If you get any posts on your profile containing the following by all means do not click them.

Hi bro you need it? Captures-web (Full link not posted for safety)
Any trade requests from people you do not recognize
And Friend requests from people you do not recognize

Thank you for reading this stay safe on the web.

(Update) I was contacted by another account which sent me this link he explained that he was in the same situation as the other one. Some of the people sending you these links are not actually doing it themselfs.
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Thanks for this death howl, I'll make sure I'm on my guard :)
I have had a bunch of bots saying stuff about Dota 2 trading offers. THey are always weird links. Jus block them and close the chat.
Ive had about 15-20 people spamming my profile and chatting with me with a link like that. Thanks for warning people.
I got a link this morning from what was a well developed level 20 account with loads of games, but i'm not stupid enough to click links from random people... I don't think anyone really needs a warning, yet again we have some pretty retarded people playing perp.
Belg also had this issue once he clicked on a link and it made him send the link forward to other people, without him wanting to do so.