Little brother wants a computer...

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Hey, my little brother wants a computer, one for gaming but not top of the range. He's only turning 10, so I'm not spending a fortune on it, max £400 maybe £500.
I've always stuck with Intel, and haven't bought a computer in years, so any advice would be great :]
Probably but my mum is letting him, he feels left out since all his friends have them.
i think its time to ditch Intel and join AMD fan boys. literally no reason not to go AMD, faster and alot better prices. Maybe a AMD with integrated graphics?

AMD Ryzen 5 2400g seems like a good option if you wanna ditch the graphics card and save money

also you the free version of windows 10 is just as good as the 100 dollar one

only you see a watermark on the bottom right

That is mainly amd... but good and cheap, you can change specs if you would like
build your own computer bruh these things cost way more than they should
There's one on ebay, with new components for £325. AMD Ryzen 5 2400G, 8 GB RAM, 1TB HDD.
well Anything works if you got time then build because it will be cheaper to buy better parts.
with £400 don't bother getting a graphics card

dump everything into a good Ryzen APU + fast ddr4 ram and you'll be set for almost any games that he should be playing
Ryzen 5 2400G really gets you a good deal here, you could also wait and see how the new Ryzen 5 3400G will be (some sources say about 10%) if you'd like the rig to last a little bit longer. @Ysauzi's build is more than good enough, just make sure that the board is a B450. For Ryzen 3 you will need to update your BIOS.

Fast RAM makes a difference for APU gaming. Please just make sure you get two sticks (RAM Kit) for Dual Channel.

This one is the 2200G, still hella good
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You can save money and buy him a decent laptop which can run minecraft and other low demanding games, portability will keep him from being stuck in his room. And if he wants a good rig teach him he has to earn it, i.e save towards it and he can earn money through chores, that way he gets a nice rig and learns an important life lesson.