Logs for Organisation Storage in org menu

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Put it simply, there will be a tab somewhere in the org menu where it will show things being put in and taken out by which person

Why should this be added? (pros):
Ability to know what is taken out / put in to the organisation storage and by whom.
Know who is taking out things and can be asked why they are if no knowledge of them taking it out is given.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Not really any cons of this.

*Other additions: Only for a certain rank or just for everyone. Not really a secret thing to hide so it could be open to everyone in the organisation.
Hello fellow elite member, I completely agree with your addition to this suggestion.
It won't make a difference at all. They already have logs which are stored for administrative purposes for long periods of time so this is basically just an extra category which could be wiped like every two weeks or something like that if needed but it shouldn't be a problem.
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I dont think it would be that much more data to store in comparison to logs that the staff team uses. If memory really is an issue you could set a threshold of a maximum number of remembered logs for every org storage and every time that number overflows you just delete the last log.
Description of the idea: Put it simply, there will be a tab somewhere in the org menu where it will show things being put in and taken out by which person

Why should this be added? (pros):
Ability to know what is taken out / put in to the organisation storage and by whom.
Know who is taking out things and can be asked why they are if no knowledge of them taking it out is given.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Not really any cons of this.

*Other additions: Only for a certain rank or just for everyone. Not really a secret thing to hide so it could be open to everyone in the organisation.
There is cons, people who's gonna rdm people who snaked stuff even if their on a new life.
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