Lower pocket money amount

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Yeah, the fact is, in PERP, the dollar doesn't go as far as it does in real life. You will often need more money to get things, I mean, a burger is 50 dollars! Also, this would detract from gameplay since you would need to go back and forth from ATM's to shopping centers. -Support
This is such an horrible idea, you can't buy shit, just 10 metal and you have to run back and get more money, i don't understand how its realistic to have a max of 5k or 10k in your pocket.
Do you know these stacks of money? My father has some of them. It looks something like this but then with euro money:

Were carrying this aswell in paralake, it can easily stack up to 20k of money in each pocket.
You cant buy items then, it would take ages to craft a gun, and it isnt realistic to have 1k only (irl you could have more than 1k.)..
Actually with the next update, +Support, you can transfer stuff with the bank.
This is not a good idea as VIP deals cost that much, carrying 100k isnt unrealistic and even without vip trades, how would people buy guns? Run and drop 1k 30 times etc. ? I can't see how this would help RP in any way.
This is a pretty bad idea, honestly.
Not only does it become really annoying to purchase any items for crafting absolutely anything (unless you can automatically pay through the bank), but it would be annoying to buy absolutely anything else.
Unless the money system is changed, and everything is paid through the bank, limiting the money you can carry in your wallet is nothing but a massive hassle.
And if it does come to the point where /everything/ can be paid through the bank, you may as well remove the wallet entirely.

I personally find this suggestion too excessive, as it means that every shop, as well as selling from your own shop, would have to be re-coded, so that the money was paid through the bank, instead of your wallet. It might be easy to do, or it might be a massive pain in the ass, but nonetheless, it's an unnecessary thing to do.
Topic:Lower pocket money amount

Short explanation:

a smaller amount of pocket money

Detailed description:Because it is
un realistic to have 100k in pockets

Optional additions:Lower it to 1k
It is certainly also unrealistic to only have $1000 in your pockets as an adult, considering the economy compared to real life, is about 15 x amount PH than American dollars (pretty much what I've seen according to raw trouts) so it's like having less than $75 which (I don't intend to harm people with lower economy) is very low. You gotta have money for fuel, materials, equipment, food etc, daily. Unless i you have a credit card. pls no hate, my iPod corrects the words/sentences, resulting my grammar isn't perfect lol.
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