LPolitical spectrum

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Where are you on the political spectrum?

  • Far Left

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Center-Left

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Center

    Votes: 19 35.2%
  • Center-Right

    Votes: 16 29.6%
  • Far Right

    Votes: 12 22.2%

  • Total voters
libtards in this thread shall be owned epic style by facts and logic!!!!!

i consider myself somewhere in the right. i was once compared to a hippy hitler lmao, probably because i mostly side with rightwing ideas but also for things like legalising drugs.
Anyone alpha male chad would know that in post 2010 politics, the political spectrum is less and less reliable.

You've got Communist fascists and Nazi Socialists out here guys
Song made by the absolute legends of our country "Vlaams Belang" actual party that made this song. They've been getting lots of votes xd
Absolute banger
It is kind of hard to tell objectively where someone stands in the political spectrum because it kind of changes from country to country.

I am a Social Democrat, therefore Centre.
Point is to elaborate your positioning on different topics might be fun until this eventually leads to ad hominem lul
partijen als vlaams belang, en hier PVV hebben soms echt hele goede argumenten en inhoudelijke discussies, maar worden vaak neergezet als facisten omdat ze dan net te ver gaan over immigratie e.d, vind jij dat ook?
De meeste partijen hebben goede argumenten over verschillende onderwerpen. Ik vind wel dat het niet zou mogen kunnen dat een Vlaming die al 60 jaar werkt en op pensioen is 800 euro per maand krijgt, terwijl een asielzoeker het dubbel kost.