Should some cheaters get a second chance?

Should some cheaters get a second chance?

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Everyone deserves a second chance in life no matter the circumstances. As someone that has done something that is hard to come back from, I have learned that everyone deserves a second chance. If you are willing to change for the better and prove yourself, you should be given a second chance. Who are we to judge whether or not someone has changed unless you give them a chance to prove themselves. With this being said, everyone deserves a second chance. A third chance is where it would be a mistake. Just my two sense.
@Yasha Anyone can cheat whether they've cheated in the past or not. It's a matter of who is more likely to cheat again if they return and do they actually regret their actions
Second chance, but that's it.

Giving someone a chance to reform is the main upside of a punishment, if you don't give them the chance it's like a huge fuck you.

Z1 devs did it, but made the apologies public, no need to do this, since getting back on the server is a plus in of itself.
My opinion on this is that Cheaters that cheat with everything dont, people who cheat say with speed hacks or a small bit of silent aim should be banned for a year and then unbanned. If they are repeat offenders then they get perm banned with no chance at appeal
Simply put, yes.

People normally cheat for a reason, I'm not going to list of 100 different excuses but everyone has a -personal- reason as to why they cheat whether a good excuse or not it only ends with a perma ban and no chance of appeal.

As I have mentioned before cheaters should be allowed back on the basis that they have their characters reset and haven't attempted to ban evade in the last 6-12 months, this seems about right to me as being caught cheating in a professional match (cs) only leads to a two year ban. Why treat perp like its some super serious e-sport when the quality is only declining in terms of seriousness?
why treat perp like its some super serious e-sport and unban cheaters?

The quality is declining in terms of seriousness because we allow bottom of the barrel players back now
might i add its quite funny that half the people who agree with this are the cheaters themselves lol
Keep it a perm ban, make an appeal possible after one year of ban, everyone in the community has a say whether the cheater comes back, character reset if yes, ezpz.
No, just no, keep it a perm ban forever, its perm a perm ban for a reason and cheating is cheating, its the scummiest thing you can do in pretty much any game. It ruins it for the others and if 'Everyone' in the community had a say, Im sure nearly all the cheaters would be unbanned because of their friends. 'EZPZ' I think not.
I don't think every cheater would be unbanned if everyone had a say, because it looks like a lot of people agree that most cheaters don't deserve a second chance. If this were implemented, it would be handled on a case by case basis instead of a general rule.