Luke Person Ban request.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [CaT] YoloMuffins
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Luke/Luke Person
His/Her SteamID: ----
Reason: I was driving my car, when Luke blocks my car at that moment i knew something bad is going to happen so i pushed his car and tries driving away, but then Luke pulls out a silenced berreta and gun points me. He said that i need to drop 10 Grand or i would be killed. I said that i don't have 10k on me. After that i went to the ATM and droped 10k. He said it was for ramming hes car 3 times (Which i didn't do) I don't belive him because he was blocking my way before i rammed/pushed his car.

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Did you draw out the money while a gun point if so he broke a rule you cannot force someone to take money outnof a ATM as part of a mugging.

Edit - He did not appear to force you to draw money from a ATM but he gun pointed and mugged in the main business parking.
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5.2 ATM Machines - In order to help preserve gameplay, players may not attempt to force other players to withdraw funds from an ATM machine

Lets pull up behind someone in a parking space and then be mad at them when they ram me, great plan!
Lets pull up a gun to 3 people in an extremly busy car park, petrol station, car dealer, and business shop, because great plan!
Lets risk my life because someone rammed with with 3 mph, Fck it!
I can't hear what he says but its kind of fail rp.
He didn't forced you go to the atm and withdraw 10k
You said "i don't have 10k on me but i can go to the atm".
Next time give the money you got in your pocket and say " I don't have more".
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I will make a new video using Sony Vegas. Where everyone will be able to understand,
Also there were like 4 people near the situation, and IRL a lot more. He eaven told me that the police were near (At projex). Also i did not lower the sound, YouTube fucks up i can try mega or something. It was 10k or my life.
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I tried ReUploading but it says that i'm duplicating a video, i will edit it with Sony Vegas Pro and then upload it.
Just saying this is obvious, 3.4 (Risking jail/life over ramming cars) 2.1 (Gunpointing someone in the middle of a busy area over a police matter), 6.3 (No NPCs dealt with) and 2.5 (Killing someone walking around in a PUBLIC area for simply walking)
  • 2.5 (Killing someone walking around in a PUBLIC area for simply walking) ethan he was warned he gave no fuck, he got fucked
Guess I'll come on in here, too.

First of all, there's 2.1
It is in no way realistic to gunpoint a person just for slightly bumping into your car. It is not realistic to shoot an innocent bystander (even though he wasn't obeying your orders), while you could easily have tied and/or gagged him.

Luke put his life at risk, by killing an innocent bystander in a public area. Even gunpointing the guy was in public, and therefore Luke risks imprisonment.

Technically, Luke was mugging Muffins, as he told him to give him 10k, under gunpoint of course. And this all happened in a very public area.

This might only be broken, if Luke actually said to get the money from the ATM. But due to sound levels on the video, I can't tell.

In conclusion, I personally deem Luke guilty of breaking the rules. +Support
+ support same reasons as above

Because like everyone else he shouldnt break ruled
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Although Luke, didn't force you to get the money out of the ATM he still broke 2.1, by pulling a gun out only for bumping his car, think about if this was real life, someone bumps your car a little, and then you pull a gun out on them in a really public place, although Luke did say that the police were down at projex and it would take them a while to respond, in real life there would be a lot more cops that would of been able to respond, but for now I'm going to Support this request.
i think its not 3.4 as the police was dead, i mean putting your gun out and aiming at someone in public is mostly connected with police

After talking with many members of staff we've agreed - The user has been issued a ban for breaking 2.1, 3.4 and 5.1. The whole situation was unrealistic for many reasons, this is because the user killed somebody over a road rage incident which lead to him risking his life. The user also attempted to mug somebody in a public area due to the user demanding money from somebody while that person was at gun point.

The user has been issued a 4 day ban.

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