- Staff
- #1

Although the rules are regularly reviewed as part of admin meetings, it has been recognised on many occasions that the rules have become excessively long.
As such a comprehensive re-structuring and re-writing of the rules was undertaken by myself and @Acerius, whom I thank for assisting me in this endeavour as well as helping to write this announcement.
The objective was to reduce the overall size of the rules without reducing their scope, or losing any well-established principles and specificity. The changes have been socialised with the admin team and others who provided any necessary feedback, and the rules have now been updated.
The changes are detailed below and it is strongly recommended to take the time to review and familiarise yourself with the rules as they now are.
A copy of the legacy rules can be found here.
Summary of Stats
Old No. Rules | New No. Rules | % | Old Char Count | New Char Count | % | Old Word Count | New Word Count | % |
66 | 52 | -21% | 38,163 | 24,858 | -35% | 6,245 | 3,953 | -37% |
The following rules have been removed:
- 2.9 Text Chat - it was felt that this was adequately covered by other rules
- 3.6 Stay Alive - merged with 3.4
- 3.8 Elaborate Construction - merged into one construction rule, now 3.6
- 3.9 Placing Props - merged into one construction rule, now 3.6
- 3.10 Realistic Construction - merged into one construction rule, now 3.6
- 3.14 Prank Calling - merged with 3.4
- 3.17 Idling on a Job - merged with 3.16
- 3.22 Highway Driving - merged with 3.15
- 3.27 Prolonged Detainment - removed entirely, as principles adequately covered elsewhere and is usually dealt with via administrator discretion
- 3.28 Being Tied-Up/Gagged - merged with 3.26 (now 3.22)
- 3.31 Transactions - main principle merged with 2.4
- 4.3 Firefighters - merged with 4.2
- 4.7 Police Dispatcher - removed entirely, as principles adequately covered by policy
- 5.4 City Employees - principles split out and merged into 2.5 and 5.1 respectively
Merged and Re-Written
The following rules have had others merged into them and been subsequently re-written, with said new text contained within spoilers:
- 2.4 Exchanging Items and Funds (previously known as Exchanging In-Game Items funds for Real Funds)
In-game benefits, including organization invitations, may not be bought, sold, or traded for real or virtual currency/items. In addition, off-server websites for purposes such as loans, gambling, pre-payment item orders, deposit systems are not allowed.
- 2.5 Excessive Negativity (shortened and incorporates elements of 5.4 City Employees)
Excessively impacting the experience of others negatively is not allowed unless it is a proportionate escalation against negative actions already performed. Additionally, Paramedics and Firefighters must not be killed, unless they have failed to follow reasonable orders given under gunpoint.
When seeking revenge, players have a two hour window to do so, provided they are unaware that their target has died and respawned. During raids, it is allowed to kill players without prior verbal commands or interaction if they are carrying visible weaponry whilst entering, exiting, or residing in the target property.
For example, it is excessive to:
When seeking revenge, players have a two hour window to do so, provided they are unaware that their target has died and respawned. During raids, it is allowed to kill players without prior verbal commands or interaction if they are carrying visible weaponry whilst entering, exiting, or residing in the target property.
For example, it is excessive to:
- Intentionally mug/target new players, or scam them for their items/money
- Kill someone after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity
- Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as pricing
- Kill someone over verbal insults, or minor/accidental actions
- Scam/deceive others so as to dishonestly gain their rare/seasonal items or their monetary value
- Use explosives without ensuring that uninvolved players’ items are not damaged, or molotovs in raids
- 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk (shortened and incorporates 3.6 Stay Alive)
Any actions that risk a player’s life, well-being or freedom from imprisonment must be done for beneficial and realistic reasons. Players must take measures to avoid their death at all times.
Examples of unreasonable risks include:
Examples of unreasonable risks include:
- Remaining near shootouts while unarmed/uninvolved, or with the intention of looting weapons.
- Staying near a crime scene after committing a crime to engage in further combat.
- Disobeying reasonable orders under the threat of lethal force, such as at gunpoint.
- Running on the highway without a justifiable reason.
- Committing serious crimes within eyeshot of Police.
- Fleeing/killing Police to avoid minor fines or sentences.
- Not taking precautions to avoid arrest or Police attention after committing crimes.
- Excessively prank calling 911 without a valid reason (e.g., diverting Police from a crime scene)
- Avoiding a long prison sentence, typically 7+ years
- Preventing the imminent detection of drug production.
- Committing a violent crime wherein the Police would use lethal force for apprehension
- 3.6 Construction and Properties (previously 3.7 Properties, 3.8 Elaborate Construction, 3.9 Placing Props and 3.10 Realistic Construction)
Props must be placed realistically and may only be placed in owned properties or with permission, unless where it benefits roleplay/is unobstructive. This does not apply to government-issued barricades and cones. Defensive props must not be placed or moved during shootouts/raids and must not be used in public or government buildings, excluding metal detectors.
At least two entrances to the area of a property where the majority of people/activities are must remain unobstructed, and paths must not require jumping nor crouching. Props must not create mazes; elevated platforms; become unmanageable when bombed; excessively restrict movement; nor allow for near one-way visibility. Movement is considered unrestricted if at least two players can travel in a path. No more than three spotlights may point in any one direction.
Refer to the Construction Handbook, found in the F1 menu, for further guidance on base building.
At least two entrances to the area of a property where the majority of people/activities are must remain unobstructed, and paths must not require jumping nor crouching. Props must not create mazes; elevated platforms; become unmanageable when bombed; excessively restrict movement; nor allow for near one-way visibility. Movement is considered unrestricted if at least two players can travel in a path. No more than three spotlights may point in any one direction.
Refer to the Construction Handbook, found in the F1 menu, for further guidance on base building.
- 3.15 Driving and Damaging Vehicles (previously 3.15 Vehicle Damage and 3.22 Highway Driving)
Players must always drive on the correct side of the highway; obey traffic laws whilst at the Intersection; and vehicles - stolen or otherwise - must be driven to the best of a player’s ability so as to avoid collisions. There may be valid reasons not to do so, where the benefits outweigh the risks. This includes but is not limited to running a red light at the Intersection to significantly increase one’s chances of survival or running someone over in self-defence. Ramming a car out of a parking space solely to claim said space is not allowed.
- 3.16 Going Idle (AFK) (previously 3.16 Idle and 3.17 Idling on a Job)
Players must not go idle during roleplay or administrative situations - unless absolutely necessary - and if so must inform others involved via LOOC. If performing a job, players should quit said job before going idle. In both cases an administrator must be informed via a report (F6).
- 3.19 '/me' and '/desc' Functions (previously 3.26 '/me' Function and 3.28 Being Tied-Up/Gagged)
The ‘/me’ and ‘/desc’ functions may only be used for actions without a gamemode mechanic. Actions must be realistic - affecting multiple players or performing multiple actions in one ‘/me’ is not allowed. Players may resist with ‘/roll’ if feasible, and ‘/desc’ must accurately describe events and information.
- 4.2 Paramedics and Firefighters (previously 4.2 Paramedics and 4.3 Firefighters)
Paramedics and Firefighters must not enter crime scenes unless permitted to do so by Police. Neither the Ambulance nor the Firetruck may be used to patrol the city, however the Ambulance can be parked in sensible, non-crowded areas and wait to be called out. Those wishing to patrol should use a First Responder vehicle (Dodge RAM, Land Rover, Prius et cetera) but the Ambulance and Firetruck must be used instead if necessary, for example an uncontrolled fire or removal of dead bodies. Police must be informed if medical treatment, or firefighting, is required due to a crime.
- 5.1 Mugging (shortened and incorporates elements of 5.4 City Employees and old 3.25 Drug Harvesting/Mugging)
Players may mug no more than 3 players in a 60-minute period and cannot mug the same player twice within that time. Muggings must not occur in public view nor after dragging someone out of it, or when the loss of profit is imminent. Additionally, City Employees must not be mugged for money or personal items.
Barricades, furniture, crafting materials, planter boxes and rare/seasonal items are not to be dropped during a mugging.
Barricades, furniture, crafting materials, planter boxes and rare/seasonal items are not to be dropped during a mugging.
The following rules have had their body texts shortened, with said new text contained within spoilers:
- 1.2 Discrimination
Most forms of discrimination, specifically racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, is strictly prohibited in all contexts, whether in-character or out-of-character.
Additionally, players must not knowingly use details of another player’s personal life or identity to discriminate against them.
If a player is uncomfortable with the use of discriminatory language, they may request it to stop in LOOC chat or a report. All players involved must respect this.
Additionally, players must not knowingly use details of another player’s personal life or identity to discriminate against them.
If a player is uncomfortable with the use of discriminatory language, they may request it to stop in LOOC chat or a report. All players involved must respect this.
- 1.3 Slander
Slander will not be tolerated. Accusations can only be made against others via a report (F6), the Actions Requests and Staff Complaints forums on the website, or when speaking to an administrator.
- 1.5 Personal Details and Identity
Trying to gain, leak, or maliciously use the personal details of another player is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to: passwords, home addresses, personal photos, or phone numbers of players or their family, friends, et cetera. Personal details must be respected and not shared on any community platform or elsewhere. Pretending to be another community member beyond In-Character names so as to damage their reputation is also not allowed.
- 1.6 Co-operation with Staff
Players must follow administrators’ instructions and respond truthfully to inquiries. Demo recording must remain enabled, and recorded demo files must not be tampered with or deleted until they are over 21 days old. Users must ensure sufficient disk space is available to store these demo files. If requested by an administrator, demo files must be uploaded within a reasonable timeframe.
- 2.2 Voice Chat
The in-game voice chat must not be used for anything other than to allow for verbal conversation; where voice chat is of an unacceptably low quality, the offending player should immediately cease its use. Voice chat may only be used for OOC communication if it does not affect any roleplay situations or is used within administrative situations.
Voice chat must only be used for In-Character purposes, except during administrative situations or where OOC conversation is not affecting roleplay. Poor quality microphones and all forms of mic-spamming are not allowed.
Voice chat must only be used for In-Character purposes, except during administrative situations or where OOC conversation is not affecting roleplay. Poor quality microphones and all forms of mic-spamming are not allowed.
- 2.3 Bugs and Glitches
The abuse and/or exploitation of a bug/glitch will not be tolerated; any player who experiences and/or who is aware of a bug/glitch must report it either to an administrator or on the forums.
- 2.6 Reporting a Rule-Breaker
Players must use the report function (F6 key) to report potential rule-breakers or request assistance from an administrator (e.g., when stuck). Once a report has been created, players should continue roleplaying within the confines of the rules until an administrator intervenes.
- 2.7 Required Sounds
Players must be able to hear in-game sounds, including other player’s microphones. Players do not have to use a microphone.
- 2.8 Sexual Role-Play
Sexual acts of any kind must not be performed, suggested, depicted, or imitated in roleplay or on TVs.
- 2.9 Advertisements and Images (previously labelled as 2.10)
The /advert function, rentable billboards and image frames must adhere to certain standards. Adverts are to be formatted realistically, akin to ads found in newspapers or news headlines. Use them for advertising businesses, broadcasting news, or buying/selling items or services.
Images and billboards must be used realistically and display content that would feasibly be shown on a sign, poster or billboard. Image entities must not contain:
Images and billboards must be used realistically and display content that would feasibly be shown on a sign, poster or billboard. Image entities must not contain:
- Inappropriate content, or content that violates basic conduct rules
- Sexually suggestive content
- Low effort images
- Unedited in-game screenshots that contain HUDs/Names/etc.
- Distorted, overly cropped, or zoomed images
- 3.1 In-Character Names
In-Character names must be realistic and relatively common. The names of famous individuals - fictitious or otherwise - are not allowed. Whether or not a name is appropriate is subject to an administrator’s discretion.
- 3.5 New Life Rule
Players must wait out their NLR timer before returning to their death location or interacting with the situation and must forget details of their past life, excluding properties, cars, government positions, et cetera. Players must also stay a reasonable distance away from their NLR zone. Respawning and joining/leaving government jobs must be treated as a new life.
Players must not act on any information relating to their death that is gained while their NLR timer is active.
Players must not act on any information relating to their death that is gained while their NLR timer is active.
- 3.9 Evading Pursuers (previously labelled as 3.19 Evasion)
Evading pursuers must be done so realistically and only where there is a reasonable chance of escape. Needlessly escalating police pursuits into shootouts is not allowed. Hiding from pursuers in Peaceful Zones is not allowed. Changing, joining, or leaving jobs to avoid interacting with pursuers is not allowed. Players must not use the Monorail if their pursuer is nearby.
- 3.10 Non-Player Characters (NPCs) (previously labelled as 3.21)
NPCs must be treated as regular players and taken into consideration during roleplay situations. Usually, killing the NPC is not sufficient. For example, if a bank robber visits the hospital to receive treatment, the player should ensure their and the NPC’s lives are not in immediate danger.
- 3.12 Mayoral Assassination
The Mayor may only be assassinated if it significantly benefits the players involved, or if the Mayor has harmed a player in a severe personal way. Players must first attempt to persuade the Mayor to improve city management or adjust policies before attempting assassination.
Examples of reasons to assassinate the Mayor include, but are not limited to:
Examples of reasons to assassinate the Mayor include, but are not limited to:
- Breaking promises related to city management or taxes
- Any instance in which it would be justifiable to kill another player as per rule 2.5
- Implementing a combination of detrimental policies that directly harm players' interests
- 3.13 Drug Harvesting (previously labelled as 3.25 w/ reference to Mugging removed)
Players must not harvest drugs while being raided, or when they suspect an imminent raid, without a significant chance of escape. For example if you know you can escape you may do so with the drugs.
- 3.14 Recognising Players (previously labelled as 3.29)
Players may recognise or describe another player if they have seen a reasonable amount of their face. Recognition is typically based on remembering an In-Character name, allowing for identification even after clothing changes. Facial features must not be changed when being pursued by other players, nor when warranted or pursued by the Police.
- 3.17 Confiscation (previously labelled as 3.30)
Police shall not confiscate any weapons or evidence when there is an immediate risk of harm, unless they are unable to watch over the evidence, and leaving it would risk tampering by the public. Police also must not confiscate when highly outnumbered or are very likely to lose. This extends to Police impounding vehicles.
- 3.18 Storages and Trunks
While their life and/or freedom is in imminent danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks/ATMs to avoid losing valuable items or money that the player is currently holding. This includes detaching weapon attachments.
- 3.20 Disconnecting from the Server
Players must not be unconscious or in active roleplay/administrative situations when disconnecting and must wait until 10 minutes have passed since committing crimes, unless the crime has been resolved (e.g, arrested or absolved).
Disconnecting to save possessions is also not allowed. If a player must disconnect during roleplay, they must inform staff via a report (F6) and provide a valid reason.
Disconnecting to save possessions is also not allowed. If a player must disconnect during roleplay, they must inform staff via a report (F6) and provide a valid reason.
- 3.21 Staying In-Character (previously labelled as 3.24)
Players must stay In-Character at all times. Out-of-Character (OOC) information must not influence In-Character actions, and OOC conversations should be kept away from active roleplay.
Examples include:
Examples include:
- Discussing server rules during roleplay
- Reading names above players’ heads
- Seeing items through walls or objects
- Using video clips in-character without proper measures (e.g using a phone with a /me) outside of Police situations
- 4.3 Road Crew Workers (previously labelled as 4.04)
Road Crew Workers must not enter crime scenes unless permitted to do so by Police. Permission from Police or a Road Management Officer must be gained to clamp or impound a vehicle, unless it is abandoned and obstructing traffic. A fee of up to $500 may be charged for each act of either repairing, un-clamping, or towing of a vehicle. Police must be informed if a vehicle that was damaged due to a crime is repaired.
- 4.4 The Mayor (previously labelled as 4.5)
The Mayor must not modify the Penal Code. Additionally, the Mayor must not stay in the Police Department or Peaceful Zones for extended periods of time. When hiding from potential danger, Mayors are expected to do so realistically and in sensible locations.
- 4.5 Secret Service Agents (previously labelled as 4.6)
Secret Service Agents, as employees of the Police Department, must do everything they can to protect the life and wellbeing of the Mayor. They may give lawful orders to the Mayor during times of crisis. Whilst they do not need to obey the Mayor, where reasonable, they must do their best to accommodate the Mayor’s lifestyle and requests.
- 4.6 Taxi Driver and Courier (previously labelled as 4.8)
Taxi Drivers and Couriers must carry out their duties to the best of their ability; follow Sections 6, 8, and 11 of the Penal Code; and not attempt to exploit their job abilities for personal gain, at all times.
- 5.2 Forced Withdrawals
Players must not force others to withdraw funds or items from ATMs, mobile banking, or storages, unless they are performing a legal search as Police. Items or money may only be forced out of storages when stolen; taken via scamming; or paying for damages due to another player’s negligence.
- 5.3 Raiding
Civilians may raid or assist in raiding an occupied property only twice in a 60-minute period, and must not raid the same property more than once within that time. If a civilian dies whilst raiding or defending, they must not return to the same situation after respawning.
If a neighboring property defends against a raid, it can be raided without counting as an additional raid.
No more than 2 bombs may be used in a raid, not including grenades.
This rule does not apply to the Mayor’s residence or public buildings.
If a neighboring property defends against a raid, it can be raided without counting as an additional raid.
No more than 2 bombs may be used in a raid, not including grenades.
This rule does not apply to the Mayor’s residence or public buildings.
- 5.4 Organisation Relationships (previously labelled as 5.04)
Players’ organisations, of whom have rival relations, are not permitted to co-operate in any criminal activities together. This includes but is not limited to:
- Assisting one another in raids
- Basing with one another
- Partaking in illegal activities with one another
- 5.5 Robbing the Bank
Players may only assist in a bank robbery if they have joined by texting the code to the NPC and are outside the vault door when the drill is placed. Any player who is removed from the bank robbery must no longer assist and flee the area immediately.
Hostages must not be taken before, during, or after a bank robbery. Police cannot force players who are arrested after a successful bank robbery to give up the cash they received from the bank robbery NPC.
Hostages must not be taken before, during, or after a bank robbery. Police cannot force players who are arrested after a successful bank robbery to give up the cash they received from the bank robbery NPC.
- 5.6 Kidnapping
Players may only be kidnapped where the benefits outweigh the risks and it is absolutely necessary, such as taking a hostage so as to substantially increase one’s chances of escaping police. Kidnapping players who are visible from outside a muggable zone so as to mug or raid them is not allowed. Rule 3.4 should be referred to when deciding whether taking a hostage is beneficial.
- 6.1 Server Crashes/Restarts
After a server crash/restart, players and props will be returned to their previous locations. Players must not continue any previous roleplay situations, unless agreed by everyone involved. Players must not engage in any criminal activity, nor may Police attempt to pursue/detain/arrest any prior suspects until 5 minutes have passed.
- 6.2 Third-Party Tools
The use of any third-party software/macros/scripts, or content that provides an advantage over other players is strictly prohibited. The only exceptions are third-party crosshairs and custom weapon textures, provided the textures are installed in the phcustomtextures folder. You can learn more about this on the forum guide.
Number/Name Changes
The following rules have only had their names and/or numbers changed:
- 3.7 Prop Pushing (previously known 3.11 Leveraging Pushing)
- 3.8 Selling Items (previously labelled as 3.13)
- 3.11 Placing Drugs (previously labelled as 3.23)
- 3.13 Selling Items to 3.8
- 3.19 Evasion to 3.9 (Now known as Evading Pursuers)
- 3.23 Placing Drugs to 3.11
- 3.26 '/me' Function to 3.19 (Now known as ‘/me’ and ‘/desc’ Functions)
- 3.29 Recognising Players to 3.14
- 3.30 Confiscation to 3.17
- 3.24 Staying In-Character to 3.21
No Changes
The following rules have not been changed:
- 1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour
- 1.4 Causing Problems
- 1.7 Out-of-Character Names
- 2.1 Play Realistically
- 3.2 Third Party Communication Applications
- 3.3 Realistic Actions
- 4.1 Follow the Law
- 6.3 Alt Accounts