Description of the idea:
Make the chests a muggable item
As items can be stored in chest it seems like a bad concept to allow people to store muggable items in a chest to make them safe from someone mugging them
The current rule states:
Items such as: Barricades, Furniture, crafting materials and seasonal items are not to be dropped during a mugging.
The chest doesn't really fit in here as it is closer related to a drug planter than any of the other 'furniture' which have no other purpose than being placed as a piece of furniture.
Why should this be added? (pros):
- Stops people from hiding muggables inside a chest to stop them being robbed/lost
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- People would lose a chest with the items inside
*Other additions:
Make the chests a muggable item
As items can be stored in chest it seems like a bad concept to allow people to store muggable items in a chest to make them safe from someone mugging them
The current rule states:
Items such as: Barricades, Furniture, crafting materials and seasonal items are not to be dropped during a mugging.
The chest doesn't really fit in here as it is closer related to a drug planter than any of the other 'furniture' which have no other purpose than being placed as a piece of furniture.
Why should this be added? (pros):
- Stops people from hiding muggables inside a chest to stop them being robbed/lost
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- People would lose a chest with the items inside
*Other additions: