Police Suggestion Make Heavy TFU move slightly slower

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Suggestion Title: Make Heavy TFU move slightly slower
Suggestion Description: Reduce the movement speed of heavy tfu slightly

Don't disregard this because "crims have ak and as50s" or "zergs" bc TFU has increased in numbers A LOT in the last few months, there are usually at least 2-3 TFU on even at off-peak times.

Why should this be added?:
- More realistic
- TFU cant ferrari peek u with 200hp like a tank strapped to a helicopter
- Harder for 4 TFU to bum rush u alt-sprinting into an apt and still eat a whole mag between them
- More balanced

What negatives could this have?:
- TFU have to rely more on aim than their armour and dodgy hitreg

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Yeah they get very strong weapons, its become a lot harder in the past few months due to more lag and everything said above ^
Makes sense as the armour is 'heavy' so they should be slowed
I agree with this as a cop main.

TFU Are realisticly wearing all this extra gear that adds on to that total weight. Heavier weaponry, heavier armor, and extra equipment like c2 and flashbangs.
Maybe nerf the alt-running significantly but keep the walking speed, shift-running and ads speed the same? Or you nerf the shift-running slightly as well to nerf the TFU jiggle peeks and make them utilize their flashes more and reward crims for dodging the flashes. Either way a small nerf goes a long way in general.
Should make movement speed carry weight dependent in general tbh. If we’re going down the avenue of realism, sprint movement logic would also apply to someone carrying a 50 cal rifle, even more so, as modern ballistic armour is pretty lightweight.

TFU have body armour protection that would be Level III, most likely an expanded protection plate (larger radius). The weight of these plates is usually 6lbs. 2 of them equal around 10-12lbs. They probably have side protection too, which would add another 4lbs onto that.

You could argue that TFU would be wearing steel plate armour which could somewhat justify this “realism” but a huge amount of police departments SWAT teams don’t use steel plates, Normally ceramic reinforced Kevlar plates are used nowadays.

Many SWAT departments and other tactical policing units require officers practice physical fitness routines in full gear, including the FBI SWAT, Who require their officers to be able to traverse several flights of stairs in like 20KG of equipment. For this reason, having TFOs simply use more stamina would be the more realistic option.

A movement speed equal to that of a civ to compensate for this additional training and extensive fitness regiment a SWAT officer undertakes is a good step up.

Making the movement speed almost insignificantly lower than a civ is sufficient for me to.

My concern is, in a job that requires you to chase people, I’d rather the person doing the chasing be able to catch up with the person running before the Officer doing the chasing decides that the person they are chasing are breaking 3.4 and should be shot. Batons only really work in that situation when you’re faster than the person you are chasing, and tasers stop being a viable option when you get beyond 6 feet.
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I'm with @Bnej that being unable to catch up to civilians would be unhelpful. I think the proposed idea of making TFOs use more stamina is the better solution in my mind.
My concern is, in a job that requires you to chase people, I’d rather the person doing the chasing be able to catch up with the person running before the Officer doing the chasing decides that the person they are chasing are breaking 3.4 and should be shot. Batons only really work in that situation when you’re faster than the person you are chasing, and tasers stop being a viable option when you get beyond 6 feet.
about this part i dont think heavy tfu are going to deal with Traffic violation or something like that i think heavy tfu is for raiding apartment/bank / go in heavy shootout
about this part i dont think heavy tfu are going to deal with Traffic violation or something like that i think heavy tfu is for raiding apartment/bank / go in heavy shootout
I mean on foot, High risk apprehension of a suspect is very much a duty fulfilled appropriately by heavy TFU. Heavy TFU is for all situations where officer lives could be at risk, This includes to arrest someone who poses an extreme risk. Prevention is a core principal of TFU.
The more and more I play the server at 128 pop with 6 heavy tfu on, it makes me want to cry dealing with top run speed tfu bunny hopping down the street towards me. Call it skill issue, but I believe heavy tfu should be slower. They shouldn't be deployed to places that require them to run anyways that much or that fast. I agree with this post 100% because I have endured the same issues with 4 tfu pushing at once just to eat a whole mag and kill me due to overwhelming force instead of skill and using their flashes correctly.
This suggestion combined with @Jack Bruhross might just actually make playing at 128 players bearable as currently it is torture to try doing any violent crime when it's peak hours. After personally joining ASDA in raids, knowing I am playing alongside a group of veterans or at least skilled shooters and yet many times we faced defeat it is hard to believe that newer orgs or less pvp oriented orgs will stand any chance at all. There is definitely some balancing to be made in my opinion so that the peak hours aren't just cops winning 99% of the time.
This suggestion combined with @Jack Bruhross might just actually make playing at 128 players bearable as currently it is torture to try doing any violent crime when it's peak hours. After personally joining ASDA in raids, knowing I am playing alongside a group of veterans or at least skilled shooters and yet many times we faced defeat it is hard to believe that newer orgs or less pvp oriented orgs will stand any chance at all. There is definitely some balancing to be made in my opinion so that the peak hours aren't just cops winning 99% of the time.
I could not agree more, my friend is a passive roleplayer and likes doing crim rp with us just to mug people and 99% of the time at max pop he messages me he's getting off because its impossible because of the dozens of cops he has to kill and the sweaty heavy tfu mains. It happened just yesterday actually as well I killed all the people basing at a raid in farm and 3 heavy tfu brain dead held W into me and won because of their armor and speed from alt sprinting even though I had a good vantage behind cover and lights.

Imo best time to crim is 78/128 players
This suggestion combined with @Jack Bruhross might just actually make playing at 128 players bearable as currently it is torture to try doing any violent crime when it's peak hours. After personally joining ASDA in raids, knowing I am playing alongside a group of veterans or at least skilled shooters and yet many times we faced defeat it is hard to believe that newer orgs or less pvp oriented orgs will stand any chance at all. There is definitely some balancing to be made in my opinion so that the peak hours aren't just cops winning 99% of the time.
Yea,This is the reason that some Orgs do not normally raid,as you have a lot stacked against you and a lot to worry about,cause you can get countered by rival org,Killed by Police,or killed by the defenders,Combined with lag.it is not a good mix,Although my take is biased cause i suck at shooting.

Stolen valor
i will quote what @Exnem said in the other thread and fully agree witht his;

Heavy gear TFOs need this debuff. Remove the 10% speed buff, and make it a 10% speed debuff instead.
Light gear TFOs could probably do with only having the 10% speed buff removed, making them on par with civilians.
Normal cops should be fine, even shotgun cops.

With my proposed suggestion above:
- Heavy gear TFOs will walk at 72 velocity, run at 270 velocity, and jog at 157.5 velocity.
- Light gear TFOs will move at normal civilian speed. (80 walk, 300 run, 175 jog)
- Normal cops will walk at 88 velocity, run at 330 velocity, and jog at 192.5 velocity.

General information for those who are reading this:
- All cops currently have a 10% speed buff, meaning that if you're ALT sprinting, you have 330 velocity.
- Normal civilians have 300 base velocity when ALT sprinting.

- All cops walk at 88 velocity.
- All civilians walk at 80 velocity.

- All cops jog at 192.5 velocity.
- All civilians jog at 175 velocity.
i will quote what @Exnem said in the other thread and fully agree witht his;

Heavy gear TFOs need this debuff. Remove the 10% speed buff, and make it a 10% speed debuff instead.
Light gear TFOs could probably do with only having the 10% speed buff removed, making them on par with civilians.
Normal cops should be fine, even shotgun cops.

With my proposed suggestion above:
- Heavy gear TFOs will walk at 72 velocity, run at 270 velocity, and jog at 157.5 velocity.
- Light gear TFOs will move at normal civilian speed. (80 walk, 300 run, 175 jog)
- Normal cops will walk at 88 velocity, run at 330 velocity, and jog at 192.5 velocity.

General information for those who are reading this:
- All cops currently have a 10% speed buff, meaning that if you're ALT sprinting, you have 330 velocity.
- Normal civilians have 300 base velocity when ALT sprinting.

- All cops walk at 88 velocity.
- All civilians walk at 80 velocity.

- All cops jog at 192.5 velocity.
- All civilians jog at 175 velocity.
Also @Allen Kennedy made a very good point about shotgun cops being too fast. Pistol cops don't need a debuff but if cops with a shotgun on their back had a debuff to run just as fast as civilians so they're not armored shotguns running around faster than a normal person that would give the players a balancing for if they wish to have better fire power or trade it off for more mobility.

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