Server Suggestion Make propane tanks refillable

Reaction score
Description of the idea:
Add a feature where propane tanks can be refilled, perhaps at a gas station or a separate NPC

Why should this be added? (pros):
-Propane tanks can be reused and not resold every time

What negatives could this have? (cons):
-Saves just an extra few hundred dollars when drying or making meth (makes drugs easier but this has been balanced anyways with V5)

Additional Comments:

This has been Accepted-ish by Samuel back in April of 2020 and it's been over a year with no visible change, just wanted to bring this up again.
I really like the idea as it would add more realism while not being very difficult to code I believe.
The idea is good, however it makes you have so much more profit when doing drugs like a lot more
I think they should just make a fee for refueling. Say you buy a propane tank for around 1500 (Taxes being lowered slightly) you would be able to sell it for 750. Instead of selling it, you should be able to refuel for say 500 only saving you a small amount so that it doesn't give you a massive profit unless you buy in bulk.
Sounds like a decent idea to me, like Mina said it shouldnt be too much cheaper, but when doing this in bulk it could save some money and be worth it.

It should also probably take some time to refill, like 3-5 seconds per tank maybe, so it is a bit more effort aswell.