Police Suggestion make the cops cant pull there guns if there hands are up

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Suggestion Title: make the cops cant pull there guns if there hands are up
Suggestion Description: make the cops cant put there gun out if there hands up and increse the time for there hands up +5 sec

the 5 sec as civ while his taking his gun

Why should this be added?:
atm the cops can pull there guns out if there hands are up and its really hard to GP more than 2 officers in same time if you turn around for 1 sec they can pull gun

less reports "for cops ignore /me"

What negatives could this have?:
i cant think of any
list down if you have
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It's not hard to /me takes away firearms and radio or zip tie them as pointed out above by a community manage
maybe its not hard for you but not all the player are from UK or usa or any country that talk english so it might not be that fast to type /me take gun etc .........

If you pay attention you will succeed
i hope i see you play as crim to see how many times you succeed

It just sounds like you don't want to have to pay attention when you GP someone which is very crucial when you hold someone at GP
my friend you are talking as cop main if you play as civ you will understand what im talking about civ drop there guns and they cant cancel the surrender they have to wait tell it finish and pick up there gun again as cop you dont even need to wait for anything and ur gun dont get dropped

i dont get is it hard to understand?
and explain or give me reason to me why the cop can cancel and dont drop hes gun but the civ cant cancel or keep there guns while surrendering
maybe its not hard for you but not all the player are from UK or usa or any country that talk english so it might not be that fast to type /me take gun etc .........
Binds exist i've seen you use them many times before

i hope i see you play as crim to see how many times you succeed
I play it and succeed with a good group of people. If you solo shit like i see you do often you are bound to have failures
my friend you are talking as cop main if you play as civ you will understand what im talking about civ drop there guns and they cant cancel the surrender they have to wait tell it finish and pick up there gun again as cop you dont even need to wait for anything and ur gun dont get dropped
Again i do play as a civ and see no issues with cops doing this. It's exactly what would happen IRL if you looked away and didn't take their gun from them. Thats your own fault for not paying attention to the one group of people whos job it is to STOP criminals lol
Again i do play as a civ and see no issues with cops doing this. It's exactly what would happen IRL if you looked away and didn't take their gun from them. Thats your own fault for not paying attention to the one group of people whos job it is to STOP criminals lol
my friend i ask you for reason why civ drop guns and cant cancel and officers dont drop gun or cancel i dont get it tell why give me reason

if you are saiying irl ( irl cops drop there guns when they get gun point) "the biggest example is Ukraine. You can tell how many soldiers laid down their arms"
just disable gun 60 seconds after police surrenders, I understand why the gun can't fall on the ground, like with civs, but not why it goes back into the holster
When I started playing I found this behavior unexpected. I agree, make it so Police can't equip weapons while their hands are up.
Suggestion Title: make the cops cant pull there guns if there hands are up
Suggestion Description: make the cops cant put there gun out if there hands up and increse the time for there hands up +5 sec

the 5 sec as civ while his taking his gun

Why should this be added?:
atm the cops can pull there guns out if there hands are up and its really hard to GP more than 2 officers in same time if you turn around for 1 sec they can pull gun

less reports "for cops ignore /me"

What negatives could this have?:
i cant think of any
list down if you have

They would probably have to rework the animation system specifically for cops, as you wouldn't want a cop dropping their actual gun and that being minge-grabbed and whatever.

Though I'd argue that it's highly unrealistic to try to GP more than 2 cops, and expect them to not try their best at disarming a dangerous individual unless /me has been done. Idk, pretty neutral to this suggestion maybe because most of my experiences as cop are that I get shot in the face rather than taken hostage or smth. lol
Yeah I'll pass on this. If you let your guard down GP a cop that is your fault. You should take their guns off of them so they can't do that
They would probably have to rework the animation system specifically for cops, as you wouldn't want a cop dropping their actual gun and that being minge-grabbed and whatever.
I'm pretty sure nobody actually wants cops to drop their guns on the ground as an item that can be picked up, we just want them to get a nerf similar to how crims with dropping our guns on surrender.
Though I'd argue that it's highly unrealistic to try to GP more than 2 cops, and expect them to not try their best at disarming a dangerous individual unless /me has been done. Idk, pretty neutral to this suggestion maybe because
It is realistic and in-line with the rules of the gamemode. Cops are just as vincible without guns in hands as crims without guns in hands. You pull a gun you die and breach 3.4 even if your intention was to neutralize the threat regardless of whether you're cop or crim a gunpoint is a gunpoint you must abide by.
most of my experiences as cop are that I get shot in the face rather than taken hostage or smth. lol
and this is True, which is why if you look at my older suggestion you'll see 2 instances where if an alternative function was present where criminals can decide to disarm a cop rather than killing them you may find yourself involved in a considerable amount of more RP versus being black screened all the time. Most people simply can't be asked to bind a /me like @gamerdanger99 is arguing as an "easy fix" which it isn't as one can't simply trust all the cops on scene to obey the /me when on the other side you get criminals who actually have to face a functional cripple via their guns being dropped. The form of equality being requested is not identicality, All this suggestion really prompts is an automatic way that surrendering will cripple an officer to a considerable level, just like criminals already are functionally, so that there's no chance for an odd one out of the group to ruin it all by retaliating then getting the whole group killed.
unrealistic to try to GP more than 2 cops, and expect them to not try their best at disarming a dangerous individual
unrealistic to try to GP more than 2 criminal, and expect them to not try their best at disarming a dangerous individual

that why i made this idea its ether the cops cant cancel the surrender or criminal can cancel the surrender

also if stuff memebr accept this idea i would like to make the cops surrender with extra time like 5-10 seconds because they dont drop there guns
unrealistic to try to GP more than 2 criminal, and expect them to not try their best at disarming a dangerous individual

that why i made this idea its ether the cops cant cancel the surrender or criminal can cancel the surrender

also if stuff memebr accept this idea i would like to make the cops surrender with extra time like 5-10 seconds because they dont drop there guns
I mean, if you have more than two criminals and try to gunpoint them to surrender when they have guns then that will probably get you killed regardless as 2+ men with guns out are not gonna surrender themselves to a singular cop.

Though I also feel like a cop pulling out a gun whilst having a gun directly pointed at them is failrp anyway. If you fail to detain them/perform an action that disables them before taking your gun off them, it's fair play.
Is this even an intentional feature? Why should police be allowed to cancel their animation and not civilians? I didn't even realize this was a thing.

Rules are enforced the same way on both civilians and police so I don't understand why police should be able to suddenly cancel their animation (and draw their weapon at the same time) but not civilians.

is this not a fucking bug lol?
I mean, if you have more than two criminals and try to gunpoint them to surrender when they have guns then that will probably get you killed regardless as 2+ men with guns out are not gonna surrender themselves to a singular cop.
Though I also feel like a cop pulling out a gun whilst having a gun directly pointed at them is failrp anyway. If you fail to detain them/perform an action that disables them before taking your gun off them, it's fair play.
a situation where the person being gunpointed while having "guns out" is not what we're arguing here, I think you're missing the point. As I said a few times already, the point of contention is the inequality in the level of penalty one is faced with as a criminal being argued as unfairly greater than when one is a cop in a scenario where you are forced to surrender by rules.

Under no circumstance if you have a gun in hand are you forced to surrender rule-wise and this is explicitly clarified in the official 3.4 guide found here:


More specifically this part:
Why should cops be allowed and civilians not?
There is a much greater risk when it comes to holding a cop at GP. There should be a lot more risk when GP a cop that should require you to pay attention which is what this suggestion is trying to get rid of hence why i don't support it. GP a cop should always be more risky then holding a civ at GP. Pay attention and have zip ties on you and you won't have to worry about the cop pulling his gun out. It's your own fault if you fail to secure a armed police officer and he gets the chance to shoot you.
There is a much greater risk when it comes to holding a cop at GP. There should be a lot more risk when GP a cop that should require you to pay attention which is what this suggestion is trying to get rid of hence why i don't support it. GP a cop should always be more risky then holding a civ at GP. Pay attention and have zip ties on you and you won't have to worry about the cop pulling his gun out. It's your own fault if you fail to secure a armed police officer and he gets the chance to shoot you.
Arguably there is more risk of holding a Civ at GP as their friends/org are so much more likely to KOS with AKs

At the end of the day, it makes no sense for Cops to be able to do it and civs not. It has to be both the same imo.
Alright, After reading this thread it has become evident everyone has strong feelings about this and those are all fair.

I suggest the following:
- Surrender will be cancellable
- When cancelling all actions will remain blocked for 0.5 - 2 seconds depending what we choose as cancel time

This in practice will mean the following
* Cops cannot grab there guns whilst their hands would realistically still be in the air
* There would be a animation that makes it noticable to criminals the surrender has ended / been cancelled. This means they need to pay attention which one it is
* Cops can still grab their guns earlier then they would be able to if we make the anim work the same way as it does for criminals

Please state your opinions below. The previous discussions can be dropped as this will be the only balanced implementation that doesn't fuck over anyone else.
Arguably there is more risk of holding a Civ at GP as their friends/org are so much more likely to KOS with AKs
Other cops and TFU would do the same so im not seeing the argument here. It's a far greater risk GP a armed government employee then it'll ever be GP some random dude in a private setting which is where most civs are GP compared to cops being GP in public often

I agree with Danks idea above
* Cops cannot grab there guns whilst their hands would realistically still be in the air
* There would be a animation that makes it noticable to criminals the surrender has ended / been cancelled. This means they need to pay attention which one it is
* Cops can still grab their guns earlier then they would be able to if we make the anim work the same way as it does for criminals

Please state your opinions below.
When a civ surrenders, their weapons drop on the ground, and they have to pick them up again before they can use them.

This not only takes up time but also leaves them in a extremely vunerable position, as they are locked in equipping animation for several seconds, depending on what kind of weapon they pick up(meele-pistol-rifle-sniper).

Why should GPing cops be so much harder in comparison. I don't see the point really, and I think it's also less realistic.
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