Police Suggestion make the cops cant pull there guns if there hands are up

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Suggestion Title: make the cops cant pull there guns if there hands are up
Suggestion Description: make the cops cant put there gun out if there hands up and increse the time for there hands up +5 sec

the 5 sec as civ while his taking his gun

Why should this be added?:
atm the cops can pull there guns out if there hands are up and its really hard to GP more than 2 officers in same time if you turn around for 1 sec they can pull gun

less reports "for cops ignore /me"

What negatives could this have?:
i cant think of any
list down if you have
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This in practice will mean the following
* Cops cannot grab there guns whilst their hands would realistically still be in the air
* There would be a animation that makes it noticable to criminals the surrender has ended / been cancelled. This means they need to pay attention which one it is
* Cops can still grab their guns earlier then they would be able to if we make the anim work the same way as it does for criminals
as what did @ALDI GXNG said
Why should GPing cops be so much harder in comparison. I don't see the point really, and I think it's also less realistic.

i think makeing the cops also cant cancel there surrnder anmation will be better

-less breaking 3.4
-less reports for 3.4
-more realistic "bc cops dont there guns but civ dose"
-fair for both crim/cop "as crim must take hes gun from the grownd"


idk if this will work and easy to do it cops drop there guns and they have to go back to there cars / pd to take it

(when it dropped it disappear )
Other cops and TFU would do the same so im not seeing the argument here. It's a far greater risk GP a armed government employee then it'll ever be GP some random dude in a private setting which is where most civs are GP compared to cops being GP in public often

I agree with Danks idea above
Remember, cops are OP compared to civ.
There is a much greater risk when it comes to holding a cop at GP. There should be a lot more risk when GP a cop that should require you to pay attention which is what this suggestion is trying to get rid of hence why i don't support it. GP a cop should always be more risky then holding a civ at GP. Pay attention and have zip ties on you and you won't have to worry about the cop pulling his gun out. It's your own fault if you fail to secure an armed police officer and he gets the chance to shoot you.
So you believe that gunpointing a possibly crazed lunatic cooking meth in an apartment complex doesn’t pose the same/ a greater risk of pulling out a weapon?

Not to mention the fact that half the cops don’t roleplay with /me takes weapons and comms (literally died to it yesterday)

Not to mention the amount of cops that are available, and you tend to only GP cops at PD, which is where the majority of police reside.

The main part of this reply is how I don’t understand what you mean by “GPing a police officer is more risky”, when you already have the assistance of the entire PD, a radio, a panic button. What else do you need?
Alright, After reading this thread it has become evident everyone has strong feelings about this and those are all fair.

I suggest the following:
- Surrender will be cancellable
- When cancelling all actions will remain blocked for 0.5 - 2 seconds depending what we choose as cancel time

This in practice will mean the following
* Cops cannot grab there guns whilst their hands would realistically still be in the air
* There would be a animation that makes it noticable to criminals the surrender has ended / been cancelled. This means they need to pay attention which one it is
* Cops can still grab their guns earlier then they would be able to if we make the anim work the same way as it does for criminals

Please state your opinions below. The previous discussions can be dropped as this will be the only balanced implementation that doesn't fuck over anyone else.

The issue is cops being able to grab their guns earlier, I think the best way to deal with this is either make the cops have the same time/animation as civilians or give the civilians the same time/animation as the cops (being able to draw their weapon). Your solution still gives cops an unfair advantage.
When I started playing I found this behavior unexpected. I agree, make it so Police can't equip weapons while their hands are up.
Certified cop main talking against a cop advantage? Someone give this guy a medal.

Why not just disable this feature until a proper animation is made to make it obvious and add a little delay so it's obvious to crims that they are doing so.
So you believe that gunpointing a possibly crazed lunatic cooking meth in an apartment complex doesn’t pose the same/ a greater risk of pulling out a weapon?
I mean, but not every civilian is going to be a crazed lunatic cooking up meth. Whereas arguably every cop that you try to GP is a weapon and response trained individual. (I say arguably, because it should be that way but it's not always gonna be lol, iykwim)

Not to mention the fact that half the cops don’t roleplay with /me takes weapons and comms (literally died to it yesterday)

I mean, this is just a rule-breakage. You can always bring it up in LOOC or report the situation - not really a valid arguing point for why something should be changed if it is just a blatant failRP moment imo

Not to mention the amount of cops that are available, and you tend to only GP cops at PD, which is where the majority of police reside.

The main part of this reply is how I don’t understand what you mean by “GPing a police officer is more risky”, when you already have the assistance of the entire PD, a radio, a panic button. What else do you need?
That's exactly why it's far more risky to GP an officer, that you have no intention of killing though. It's far more risky because there are way more consequences for it than GPing a civilian as an officer.

Again, not every single civilian is going to be in some big org, not every GP situation would demand for an officer/pd to be KOS. Any reason that you would have to GP an officer, would result in you breaking laws and potentially worsening your own sentence if you are to be caught alive by the PLPD especially since warrants and BOLOs carry over into NLR for officers granted that they are in the database (or at least one cop stays alive long enough to inform the PLPD of a suspect).

If this suggestion is accepted, I think the best approach they can have that is neutral is to make it that officers drop their weapons just like civs, but these can only be picked up by other officers so it would prevent people from trying to 'farm' guns off the PLPD.
If this suggestion is accepted, I think the best approach they can have that is neutral is to make it that officers drop their weapons just like civs, but these can only be picked up by other officers so it would prevent people from trying to 'farm' guns off the PLPD.
Either this or make it so that cops cannot break the animation. The way I see it these are the two most balanced and simplest solutions.

Also, if cops drop their gun, there is the possibility of someone actually picking it up and throwing it, meaning the officer would either need to go find it or go resupply at the armory (removing the previous hidden gun from the world).
Either this or make it so that cops cannot break the animation. The way I see it these are the two most balanced and simplest solutions.

Also, if cops drop their gun, there is the possibility of someone actually picking it up and throwing it, meaning the officer would either need to go find it or go resupply at the armory (removing the previous hidden gun from the world).
I think as long as a cop can respawn the gun through the armoury, and it de-spawns the dropped gun then it's fine.

If it just animation locks, i think people are still gonna make the argument that 'oh but they get to keep their guns and can pull it out' yada yada.
* There would be a animation that makes it noticable to criminals the surrender has ended / been cancelled. This means they need to pay attention which one it is
With your proposed solution, would the surrender status end after a certain time? Or only after manually unsurrendering? That is, would it become toggleable? (without making you surrender again and again, you would keep your hands up until you decide to lower them)

After some internal discussion, we've decided that officers shouldn't be able to select any weapons while they're surrendering.
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