Suggestion Title: Make the Land Rover Defender buyable at Car Dealer
Suggestion Description: I don't know the reason as to why the Land Rover Defender was made only winnable at casino. The vehicle has a value of around 1.4m thus valueing below the class of super car. Furthermore the vehicle is aawesome to look at it and more people would love to own it I am sure of this.
The exception on the wheel is already the tricycle furthermore the mazda furai (due to its ridiculous price point of 20m) and I don't think there should be one more added. Currently almost all bigger vehicles (Raptor, F350) are yoinked away, already to be rare, why not allow us to have this legend of a vehicle to drive around in?
I have heard from people around me that they are wanting the vehicle to be buyable aswell and have interest in buying such an outstanding vehicle. This vehicle is also very nicely for passive rp such as camping RP, offroading making tracks, and many more.
Why should this be added?:
- Give the opportunity to own the Land Rover Defender
-We dont have many big off road vehicles, offer this one
What negatives could this have?:
- Casino spendings are for nothing but atleast they the first owners right?
- No rare defender anymore
Suggestion Description: I don't know the reason as to why the Land Rover Defender was made only winnable at casino. The vehicle has a value of around 1.4m thus valueing below the class of super car. Furthermore the vehicle is aawesome to look at it and more people would love to own it I am sure of this.
The exception on the wheel is already the tricycle furthermore the mazda furai (due to its ridiculous price point of 20m) and I don't think there should be one more added. Currently almost all bigger vehicles (Raptor, F350) are yoinked away, already to be rare, why not allow us to have this legend of a vehicle to drive around in?
I have heard from people around me that they are wanting the vehicle to be buyable aswell and have interest in buying such an outstanding vehicle. This vehicle is also very nicely for passive rp such as camping RP, offroading making tracks, and many more.
Why should this be added?:
- Give the opportunity to own the Land Rover Defender
-We dont have many big off road vehicles, offer this one
What negatives could this have?:
- Casino spendings are for nothing but atleast they the first owners right?
- No rare defender anymore