Make warnings private again - non-electric boogaloo

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Posting this as there will be a full staff meeting soon enough a 7PM on a Sunday. Please bring this up @Bolli @MrLewis sry for alert

Discussion Post:

Main Idea: Making all player warnings on this page private again as it was before.

Full description of the idea: Making the warning record of players private again. Writing this here again just in case you didn't read the thread title.

Why should it be added?: I personally don't see a point of making warnings public. Bans are public so we can see if a player is currently banned from the server if you're wondering why a player hasn't showed up on the server for a while or for what ever reason you're curious for. Warnings are records that are given to the player personally so staff can have a look on their record so they can see which rule a player frequently breaks that would be relevant to the admin situation/report. Non-staff have no use for this and would just create fucking memes out of people that have 10+ warnings which would lead to harassment and even petty ARs if both hate each other as it would be an easy long term ban if the said AR would be accepted as I myself would have even received a 3 month ban from an opinion from a Moderator who I shall not name for a warning from fucking 2014 for 3.4 on my ban that I received late 2017.

Pros: Less useless information for non-staff for something they're not involved or related to.

Less shitshows/memes/bully.

You don't have to look at Bolli's shitpost warnings he has been given to during Enforcer training.

Cons: You could no longer name and shame staff that would give out petty or wrong warnings (wouldn't want to ruin their reputation, eh? kinda Pro)

You would be unable to check a players warnings when you'd make a AR on them to see if they broke a relevant rule before (even though it's the staff members job to do so anyways before accepting it)

*Other additions: free olsen and husky
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I think warnings should stay public. Having them public means u can see if a player that you're going to make an AR on has repeated the offense which would help you in your AR by saying that this user has repeated the offence and has learned nothing from the warnings.
I think warnings should stay public. Having them public means u can see if a player that you're going to make an AR on has repeated the offense which would help you in your AR by saying that this user has repeated the offence and has learned nothing from the warnings.
You would be unable to check a players warnings when you'd make a AR on them to see if they broke a relevant rule before (even though it's the staff members job to do so anyways before accepting it)
did you read the thread
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