Marcello Crime Family

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Family History
The Cuban Revolution was a defining moment for the country; the successful armed revolt warred by Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement. By the 1st of January 1959, Fulgencio Batista's grasp on the country had crumbled, and Castro himself marched triumphantly into the city's capital, Havana, on the 8th to cement his triumph.

The revolution paved a new path for the country, although its inception caused thousands of Cubans to flee the country to America, seeking refuge largely in Miami and South Florida. However, ordinary civilians weren't the only ones to flee. Castro's reign led to the shutting down of a plethora of Mob-operated casinos, even jailing the godfather Santo Trafficante, who had retained financial interests in Havana casinos since 1946. This led to La Cosa Nostra fleeing the country, alongside many Cuban gangsters working for the mafia, joining the already-swelling numbers of Cuban Refugees that fled to Miami and South Florida.

The United States made many attempts to overthrow Castro's government, including the Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961. However, after the U.S. promised to never invade the island after the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, alongside the failed tries by remnants of Batista's supporters, the Cuban exiles from afar simply settled in to their new lives. Although many of the Cuban émigrés lived peacefully, a decade on from the Revolution saw communities within Miami and South Florida became bases of organized crime networks, which became known as the "Cuban Mafia" by the law enforcement agencies.

At first, the Florida-based Cuban gangsters imported small amounts of cocaine, solely to satisfy the needs of members within their own community. However, by the mid-1960s they were able to reach out to La Cosa Nostra to assist in importing greater amounts of narcotics, with some of Cosa Nostra's members having been their bosses in the Cuba. By 1969, the Cuban Mafia's growing strength was marked by Miami's authorities, actively smuggling drugs into the city.
The effectiveness of their drug trafficking could also be attributed to the use of CIA-trained Bay of Pigs veterans, with many Cuban exiles who were caught during Operation Eagle in 1971 claiming that they planned to use their gains continue the campaign against Castro, one which the CIA had abandoned. This form of anti-Castro terrorism ultimately merged with the criminality of the Mafia by the 1980s, with the anti-Castro militia group Omega 7 becoming debt collectors for drug dealers within Miami.

Family Structure

Godfather: makes all the important decisions, much like a CEO of a company would.

Consigliere: is not officially part of the hierarchy of theMafia, but he plays one of the most important roles in a crime family. He is the close trusted friend and confidant of the family boss.

Underboss: is second-in-command in the hierarchy of the Mafia crime family. His level of authority.

: is ready to stand in for the boss at any given moment.
is the captain or lieutenant of a division within the Mafia. He heads a crew of soldiers and reports directly to a boss or underboss, who hands down the instructions.

is in charge of enforcing the rules within the mob.

the grunts of the organization who do the majority of the “dirty work.”

Associates: none cuban members.

Family Members

(Carlo Marcello)

(Arturo Marcello)



(Manuel Marcello)
(Victor Marcello)

(Abidal Marcello)
(Roddy Marcello)
(Aldo Marcello)
(Luis Marcello)
(Vidal Marcello)
(Rudi Marcello)
(Andre Marcello)

(Bubba joe)
(David Anderson)
(Shaun Lautner)
(Martin Checky)
(Hunter Jacobs)
(Kaminari Wong)
(Jack Armando)
(Jordy Armando)

Family Relations/Territory

Allied Organizations
Peter The Prophet

Arnott Industries
Hotline: Paralake

Neutral Organizations:
Paralake Partnership

Rival Organizations:
Preston Family

Defeated Organizations:
Adheriall Family
Gambini Crime Family
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Both you and I sincerely know that you're going to make me a
Organization Update.
  • Members
  • War with Paralake Partnership
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Today's Update;

Five Preston members executed by Manuel Marcello, Jamie Marcello, Victor Marcello. 3 Marcello men against the Police, and Preston.

Here lies the body of Patrick Preston, a trust able member of the Preston Family.


Davidson Family Member, Faith Davidson admitting the actual truth of what The Davidson Family is?

Thanks to Manuel and Jamie for making these events happen.

--- Double Post Merged, Jun 7, 2015 ---
-News & Announcement-

The Adheriall Family has been MARKED as disbanded however has not been broken apart very much. In recent, the Adheriall Family has lost quite a few members and looks quite damaged and because of this, I have decided to send our members in a single direction, towards the LBA and the Paralake Partnership. Another reason for the disbanding is because of my issues, I am not a natural born leader, I never learned the skills to lead a group of people and I feel like my recent leading style has not been very beneficial to the organization, they deserve a better leader, a good leader and that is not me.

As the Adheriall family is being disbanded, my name will be reverting back to Zack Robberts and other members are free to choose their paths.

Thankyou for the experience but it was too much for me to handle, I hope you can all understand.

Just so you guys know. The Adheriall family disbanded back in June. It could also be fun to know why @Stomper decided to declare war on them as they already were disbanded.
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Just so you guys know. The Adheriall family disbanded back in June. It could also be fun to know why @Stomper decided to declare war on them as they already were disbanded.

No they were helpin your guys raid that's why we declared war on them.
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Right, I wanna apologise for my reply earlier today. My intention was not to offend anyone. However, I see now that instead of pointing it out for the public I should instead have used the "PM" function, instead I caused problems as people misunderstood the intention of my post.

Ping: @Stomper
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