Massive FPS Drop after Christmas Update

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Bolli's Testicles, PLC
Hello people and developers,I was able to play on 60-120 Fps before update and now i have 10-20 Fps.

What should i do?

I was having 120 FPS at Suburbs/Bazaar/Farm areas and i was having 60 FPS at the intersection/city but now

I have 10-20 fps everywhere.


I need help about this...
This is how 99% of the players play, 10 fps. (even me) [Back in the times] {3 days ago}
The only thing you can do is hope swiper and bolli give you a good present for christmas.
Obligatory guide linking time.

As Jarred said, hope for some good presents this year, especially from GabeN as he shall (hopefuly) deliver Source²™ with far superior capablities, compatiblities and performance than the outdated Source engine from 2004.I cannot confirm that there are any FPS drops after the update as my laptop broke down and is beyond a fucked up state where it cannot be saved anymore.Anyways, take a look at CS:GO, there have been many people complaining about memory leaks and similiar problems, the same thing is probably with Garry's Mod as they use the same engine.

Edit:Also consider using a "maxframes.cfg" config file.This should only be used on low end computers that can't get any stable 20 frames per second on a game.The config was made for Team Fortress 2 but it does work for Garry's Mod, aswell for other Source games.Put this in your autoexec.cfg or rename the cfg into autoexec

Edit²:Before the update was released and I was in the test server, my FPS was actually pretty fine, I also noticed a slight improvment apart from the "real" server.I did notice however some weather effects lag again, snow lag was unbearable and looks even more like a post apocalyptic scene, rather than a "festive" looking scene.Not sure what kind of new/old content screwed up our FPS.
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It's the weather effects, and I have had quite the opposite to you xD. I had 10 fps constant instead of 2-5fps.