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@KayB Hahahaha no because randomly arresting you is not against the rules lmfao its not DarkRP mate lmfao.

Police officers is handled on staff don't have rights to demote officers or ban them for random arrest this just comes to show that you have read the rules.
Because if you had read the rules then you would know that there's no such thing in the rules as random arrest and will punish for it, but I beg you report me for random arrest and get me banned PLEASE
@XPGamingXPDK Being toxic and childish for no reason, you clearly knew I didn't murder him as I was the one making a 911 report saying my friend killed him in self defence, I was standing there and you arrested me and didn't let me speak what so ever, gave me a 10k ticket just to piss me off and arrested me for 10 years for jack shit for no reason what so ever. I'm not the best with rules, but that is definitely breaking something.
you guys might have thought that you are only chasing for 12.12 but we didn't know so we wasn't going to risk it, so in our eyes you were chasing us for jail breaking him....
Ask your friend K3 what happens if you shoot someone for something you assume, cause he got me in trouble for that so he knows it you've been here longere than you, however he knows that rule better than you wow.

You can't just shoot someone by assumptions
I won't respond anymore as this is absolutely fucking pointless and will wait for staff
Both keep going on about this 10k ticket which We can give u as we believed and ur friend told us that u was the one that murdered the other player in city garage. It states we can give 10years 10k for murder
Also if u just jail broke your friend and u was trying escape why the fuck are u looking for the police to kill? Cos we stopped chasing after literally one minute and then all off a sudden u found us and ran me over and instead of driving off or running u got out the car and opened fire and shot jack
U told us he killed the other player ? And now your sat here saying he didnt u did so really its your fault he got 10years 10 k
I am a citizen you should have searched me for a gun cuz I had the gun on me but you decided to rush to kay as you guys had trouble with him before so you were happy to arrest him... end off
Good one, this has nothing with the situation here to do. But I see randomly arrestesting and RDM is definitely the same
@Abdul Yes, Yes you did. You're not allowed to just confront us the way you did, you had a chance to escape EVEN if we were chasing you for jailbreak, but you wanted to shoot us instead, which is against rule 3.4
@Puma Half of it was to piss that kid even more off and some of it is genuinely my opinion. And when someone brags about being a drug dealer, and can get 600 Pounds every day(Which is a fucking lie) then he's doomed to be bullied about it.
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