Max Irish / StarWars Fan

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Today I am reccomending a fellow officer from the police department as he is a very friendly and a nice person. He is mostly a police officer and he deals with the roleplay situations in a calm manner and he is friendly to people all the time. Although he is not the oldest of people on the server, he is a very mature person for his age and in my opinion I think he roleplays very responsibly and realisticly.

He is an active player on the server and I see him most of the time patrolling around and he is just a nice guy in general to speak to.
So yeah, you know who to talk to if you get lonely ;P

Great guy but still young and new. It was only 2 or 3 days ago that I sat down with him as a patrol officer and gave him the basic training routine. He has a ways to go but for sure has a great potential to be a grade A role player as well as a top notch officer.
Arrested me for 8 YearsCause mayor told him to, cant really agree
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