Medics and Stimpacks.

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Topic: Medics are able to have stimpacks.

Short explanation: Medics are able to acquire stimpacks for themselves which is supplied by government NPCs.

Detailed explanation: I am a medic a lot (nearly every time I join) and it surprises me that medics are able to heal others, but not themselves. Of course firemen can heal people, but medics are usually the ones to shock people back to life and heal everyone for little to no fee. Medics also have no self defense, other than their puny little fists, and that is not going to win against Viktor Belinsky and his .50 Calibre sniper rifle. So the least that medics can do to keep themselves alive is to heal themselves with good ol' stimpacks supplied by that lovely NPC who always supplies you with bandages in the PD kitchen, wishing he could eat those bananas that never go rotten.

Additional options:

- Medics can acquire a maximum of five stimpacks, much like the bandages.
- Medics are not allowed to use the stimpacks when under gunpoint.
- Stimpacks cannot be supplied to other people as it is government property.
+Support since they can't heal themselves they need something to actually need themselves incase of bleeding or injured.
+Support. Medics should both have bandages and stimpacks as a stimpack does not stop bleedings. This should be addet so the medic can heal himself if he gets shot in the arm or so.
It's quite a bother when medics themselves get hurt and somehow are unable to help themselves, even with minor injuries. I support this, as medics need something to help themselves when they're not near the hospital with the lovely NPC that fixes you right up.

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