Merging / addition to the Fire department / EMS job

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Main idea:
Make it so you can change from paramedic to firefighter by visiting the Hospital NPC as firefighter or vice versa for Paramedics.

Description and why this should be added:
Typically in many areas across the US, as well as many other countries, Ambulances and paramedic responsibilities are carried out by firefighters, Referred to as "Fire and rescue".

Allowing people to change between the 2 jobs without going civilian first will be highly beneficial. Some notes regarding this that should be taken to account if implemented:
- Changing jobs using this system will NOT give you NLR.
- Your vehicle will be despawned upon doing this, however this wont be a massive deal as you're right next to the NPC that changes the jobs
- This feature will only be implemented for the Fire service and EMS.
- On both Paralake and Evo, the distance between the 2 buildings is significant, but more so on Evo, where the hospital is in a dingy corner of the map.

As a result of this being added, random fires should occur when paramedics are online as they are able to respond code 3 to the fire station to deal with it.

- Flexibility for passive government jobs, allowing for a more dynamic and fluid game play experience
- Better response in the event of an emergency

- Might be difficult to successfully implement​
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