- Messages
- 226
- Reaction score
- 416
- Points
- 465

Do you lack a mic, and/or tired of typing to every mugger you pass on the street?
Reside with your love interest and don't want to be seen roleplaying over mic in a videogame from 2005?
Have extreme social anxiety and could use any excuse to not socialize?
Give those typing fingers a rest, and hit mute forever, with a new RP reason to be a virtual outcast!
Mime Syndicate has been active in every society since the invention of society by Karl Marx. The Syndicate started by going out under the cover of darkness and checking to make sure every citizen's door is locked. "A Mime with Time may Stymie a Crime," they wrote on each unlocked door. Nobody had ever seen a Mime in action, until July 7 1947, when reports were made concerning a flying tandem bicycle crashing into the Paralake City forest, and members were seen shimmying away in a mime-like fashion. The Syndicate has had a long, but quiet and unseen, presence in Paralake City ever since.The ultimate avoiders of confrontation, Mime Syndicate members don their gloves & berets, emoting their way through life in Paralake City (using the C menu also invented by Marx).
- Use only emote menu in public (hold C). Also /me
- Do your best to RP mime conversation.
- Members may whisper to each other and use org comms.
- You can honestly talk as much as you want, as long as you're comfortable with silence from fellow members.
- Never harm org members, org allies, or the org reputation.
- Remember org RP does not pertain when you have a government job (you must communicate and some require a mic).
Member Structure
- Master Mime - Long-term Mimes who go out of their way to help aspiring Mimes and maintain the Syndicate.
- Expert Mime - Experienced Mimes who are persistent in their Mime-ish ways.
- Apprentice Mime - New Mimes in practice.
- #000000 (black) sweater and polyester pants
- #FFFFFF (white) socks/gloves/beret
- any accessories and holiday switchups are welcome
- Black, white, or gray vehicle
Mime Syndicate operates in the shadows, often accompanying amicable orgs defensively and generally not stepping on toes.
- Allies:
- Foes:
- IC Name and #
- Why does this style of play appeal to you?
You can also message IC: 869-3773
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