mingy minge

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomo
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Censored.exe
His/Her SteamID: will get later
Why Should This Player Be Punished: ok so he first athempted to evade from 1k 12.12 ticket then when i tried to cuff him he started to run and when he was getting batted he pulled a smg and shot me all this risk to his life and Chance to get 10k ticket and 10 years sentnece could be evaded by only waiting to recieve that 1k ticket for 12.12
so the whole situation can be considered a big 3.4 rule break
Evidence (Demo Required):
Throughout this situation you were extremely rude, though we will ignore the fact we have history and you dont like me.
Nice job showing the entire sit btw.
I kept messing with you due to our history, though had told you in the video that I was joking and to stop beating me. I knew you didnt like me, and would use the opportunity to arrest me for aslong as possible, aswell as taking the gun.
It wasnt 3.4 seeing as you were the only cop alive, as I had just been involved in a sit where we killed an extremely large proportion of PD.
No other cops showed up to the sit, showing my judgement was correct.

Maybe I should have shot you over that, however, with any normal officer I wouldn't have. You have a certain reputation for being a minge, and you take every possible opportunity to shit talk in OOC. I guarantee if I hadn't have shot you, I would have gone to jail over a little joke I was playing with you. It was calculated, my calculations were proven to be right.
i checked ur record and would have gunpointed u by that time so u did know i had no idea about u shooting anyone also u really cant talk ur way outta just making ur punishment worse by running away while i was giving u a 1k ticket and nothing more i wasnt making u get outta the car i was just giving u a ticket also u broke 3.15 and propably 3.4 by ramming my car i dont think a criminal that just finished off cops that got shot by his friends would without any reason ram a cop car resulting in his cars damage + bringing attention to himslef witch he should avoid
also do u really think i am going to break character cuz of ur "joke"

if any more evidence is needed i can provide the full sit video
also the "history" u kept on talking bout is ur past life so u cant base any of your actions on it

The user realistically wouldn't have known the number of cops and had no real reason to run away from you if you only intended to give a small ticket. The user will be spoken to regarding their actions.

@blobvis 2.0
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