Mini Enforcer Application

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Mini's Enforcer Application

Personal Information

Steam Name: Mini
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:150576215
Age: 18


My name is Jack aka Mini and I have been a part of the perp community for approx 5 years. I used to be a minge and very toxic to other community members and I have completely reformed myself since then. Since returning to perp last year, I have turned a new leaf and decided to become a respectable member of the community. I first integrated into the community by progressing throughout the Police Department where I have had my ups and downs. I eventually put my head down and worked my way up to Sergeant, RTU & TFU Trainer, and Internal Affairs Investigator which I am very proud of. I had then decided to apply for a helper for the first time which I agree I was not ready for. I had then reformed myself even more and made myself more respectable and friendly towards other players. Once I got a helper, I had started being really dedicated towards perp by assisting moderators in staff sits, creating/writing multiple guides, and helping with perp/plpd trailers. I had then applied for enforcer 3 times and got denied, in all honestly this made me very demotivated towards perp as I really wanted to help the community as best I could. I then took a decent break from PERP and have returned to perp refreshed with a new mindset. I have recently been helping a lot in /help and OOC as well as directly helping new players when they join.

'Why do you want to be an enforcer?' I want to be an enforcer because I would love to be a part of the staff team enforcing the rules, ensuring everyone feels welcomed and safe while engaging with our community whether it being in-game, on the forums, discord, or Teamspeak. I took an interest in becoming an enforcer when I initially applied for helper and I believed being a helper would give me the experience required for an enforcer. During my time as a Helper, I have understood how a lot of staffing works on the server and I believe I have developed the skills required for an enforcer.
I would love to have the opportunity to become an enforcer and prove myself as a beneficial addition to the staff team. I see myself as a very unbiased, friendly, professional, and patient person. I work well in a team and have outstanding communicational skills which I believe are traits that would be very helpful when performing staff duties. Since becoming Helper, I have significantly improved my overall conduct and dedication towards the community. I have been using every recourse I have to ensure I am performing my helper duties to the best of my ability and I really appreciate the opportunity of being a helper.

I have applied for enforcer twice before and I have received very valuable feedback from both Senior Administration and fellow community members which I have taken note of and improved to the best of my ability on. Although I don't see myself as 'perfect' although I feel like I have come a very long way, even from a year ago. If I were to be given the opportunity as an enforcer I would ensure that I remain active, continue helping in OOC/help chat and I would also be able to assist newer players (and you old folks) even more with the recourses given to me. I would ensure I remain professional, unbiased, and approachable as well as perform my moderation duties to the best of my ability alongside fellow staff members.

My best qualities:
  • I am friendly, respectful, and approachable.
  • I am very professional when needed.
  • I have good communicational and teamwork skills.
  • I am completely unbiased.

My main improvements since my last application:
  • I have significantly improved my activity.
  • I have continued to assist in OOC/help chat as well as in-game.
  • I have been making reports in-game as well as advising fellow community members to follow the rules.

Lastly, I would like to thank you for reading my application and I hope to receive feedback from my fellow community members to know what more I should improve on before I am trusted with the enforcer role.


  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  • No recent in-game bans and warnings on record, this includes both the forums and the server.
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them.
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server.
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+ support, extremely helpful and confident, knows the rules well and overall a great guy
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You seem to know your way around and have good guidance from your friends. You seem like you would bring a strong member to the team! Gl (P.s Change your cancer ass green writing)


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miniraze is a sound juck, has always been calm and helpful, obviously knows the rules, definitely deserves and is capable for the role
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United Kingdom
+Support Mini has been a great friend of mine for a while (slightly biased) and since I have started playing Perp again I have seen him helping a lot of people out by inviting sweaters into our organisation and trying to make new players stay on the server.
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United Kingdom
I have seen Mini in-game numerous times helping out players, he has a very calm demeanor and does have very good enforcer qualities. I don't see why he shouldn't be given a chance at enforcer.
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