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This post is to discuss why there’s noticeable amount of opinions that seem hellbent to opposing the existence of mini games in PERP to difficulty scale actions.

I’m sure both sides can use some healthy debate cause I find myself being amongst the unpopular opinion that actually enjoys the challenge of an activity requiring an actual skill whether it be memory-based or typing speed, etc..
The main reason at least the reason that im opposed to using minigames for certain actions, for the sake of argument lets take Lockpicking as an example, i would much rather have it take the same amount of time, yet have it be debated by RNG, rather then having to play a sort of minigame, as of course, the audio cues will have to be extended when your playing this minigame, you have an increased amount of time to be wall banged if your standing there playing a minigame, and while it might be nice to have some of skill element to it, i personally believe the cons are outweighing the positives in the instance.

While i personally wouldn't mind minigames for a few actions, for example hotwiring a car after stealing it(although alarm times would have to be tweaked) could be a cool addition, this could complicate gameplay further and cause issues with new players learning it, as well as making balancing Lockpicking skill a difficult task(as if its a minigame, would the difficulty be scaled on player lockpicking skill majority of the time?)

Im not going to go any further cause its 3:30AM and i need to sleep, just throwing some ideas out.
The main reason at least the reason that im opposed to using minigames for certain actions, for the sake of argument lets take Lockpicking as an example, i would much rather have it take the same amount of time, yet have it be debated by RNG, rather then having to play a sort of minigame, as of course, the audio cues will have to be extended when your playing this minigame, you have an increased amount of time to be wall banged if your standing there playing a minigame, and while it might be nice to have some of skill element to it, i personally believe the cons are outweighing the positives in the instance.

While i personally wouldn't mind minigames for a few actions, for example hotwiring a car after stealing it(although alarm times would have to be tweaked) could be a cool addition, this could complicate gameplay further and cause issues with new players learning it, as well as making balancing Lockpicking skill a difficult task(as if its a minigame, would the difficulty be scaled on player lockpicking skill majority of the time?)

Im not going to go any further cause its 3:30AM and i need to sleep, just throwing some ideas out.
thanks for your input.

My stance is that we already have Meth being a UI based skill check minigame and it's great.

As for your example, Lockpicking still can take ages and you can't do nothing but grind to level up your skill level to hope your chances next time are better based on luck. Instead, the speed of how fast that door gets opened is entirely reliant on how fast you can hit it making the skill of lockpicking actually a skill, not just a number on your F1 menu indicating which luck bracket you're in without anything beyond reaching max level. With minigames, you can get rusty as you realistically would if you keep practicing lockpicking. So your competence will always fluctuate up and down depending on if you do it constantly making you a pro, or you haven't done it in a while so you get a bit sluggish.
The problem I feel this generates is a consistency issue. One slight change to the minigames and it can cause the house of cards to crumble, I don't wanna imagine what might happen to performance if one too many players all activated the right combination of games.

A fun minigame would be like confiscating a weapon and POV your character pulls out a sealable bag. You manually drag/drop the firearm into the bag, and the animation plays out where you reach down and drop it in. And to seal, you hold on one side, and "tear" to the other. Therefore confiscating - and "recording" evidence collected. The bag can then be confiscated/collected on spot, reviewed by Supervisors, or dropped where it was confiscated (like in Ready or Not).

@Locksmith also brings a solid point as new players are going to get fed like lambs to the slaughter because they can't hit a QTE or don't know how the game works. I suppose some kind of hint at the bottom or graphic displaying after x seconds resembling the command/movement you make could suffice.

If anything, I would just want it to be done right. Preferably something like how David Cage was able to do in Heavy Rain and D:BH, where it feels like you made an impact.
The problem I feel this generates is a consistency issue. One slight change to the minigames and it can cause the house of cards to crumble, I don't wanna imagine what might happen to performance if one too many players all activated the right combination of games.
people make meth and use their phones constantly. I think that should be a logical enough deduction that refutes this gripe.

A fun minigame would be like confiscating a weapon and POV your character pulls out a sealable bag. You manually drag/drop the firearm into the bag, and the animation plays out where you reach down and drop it in. And to seal, you hold on one side, and "tear" to the other. Therefore confiscating - and "recording" evidence collected. The bag can then be confiscated/collected on spot, reviewed by Supervisors, or dropped where it was confiscated (like in Ready or Not).
im For minigames and i wouldn't even want that. Sounds unnecessary, tedious and worst of all would get boring after 2 days of it being fun.

The more feasible versions should take from what Meth already does. Where you are probably not a new player and you have a whole guide to follow plus missions to teach you it every step of the way.

Furthermore debunking the claim you would be "throwing new players like lamb to the slaughter" when in reality it's meant to be a learning process. It's literally no better giving them a crowbar and a shitty luck bracket then saying "good luck!" cause they might genuinely be ass at it or be a prodigy then nail it first try. The one who's ass can improve over time and that's the fun of it.