Minor Rule Changes - 11/08/2023

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Berlin, Germany

Hello everyone,

Some minor rule changes have been made as a result of the most recent admin meeting. The following rules have been changed.

  • 3.9 Placing Props
Props may only be placed within properties that you own, or if you have permission to do so from the respective owner; this excludes the use of Police Barricades and Cones. Props may also be placed in public areas as long as they are benefiting roleplay and are not obstructing anything. Under no circumstances should defence props be placed in public or government buildings.

Props must be placed realistically; for the placement of a prop to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate that it can remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physics Gun. A maximum of three spotlights may be concentrated on a particular area.

Additionally, construction props may not be placed to erect defences during ongoing shootouts or raids. Nor can players use their phys-gun to edit their defense during this time.

  • 4.4 Road Crew Workers
Ordinarily, Road Crew Workers should refrain from entering a crime scene until it has been properly secured by law enforcement. To impound or clamp a vehicle, the road crew worker must receive authorization from a law enforcement or road management officer, unless the vehicle is abandoned and obstructing the natural flow of traffic.

Road Crew Workers must inform law-enforcement personnel if they have repaired a vehicle that was damaged as a result of a crime.

Road Crew Workers may charge a fee of up to $500 for each of repairing, un-booting or un-impounding a vehicle.

Additionally, rule 1.2 Discrimination was updated some time ago to be more consistent with our recent enforcement of said rule, and to encourage a more inclusive and less hateful environment both in and out-of-character.

  • 1.2 Discrimination
Any form of discrimination, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, is strictly prohibited in all contexts, whether in-character or out-of-character.

Additionally, players may not knowingly use details of another player’s personal life or identity to discriminate against them.

If a player is uncomfortable with the use of discriminatory language, they may request it to stop in LOOC chat or a report. All players involved must respect this.

1.2 Discrimination

Any form of discrimination is not tolerated in an out-of-character context. Racism and homophobia are not tolerated in-character. Other forms of discrimination, whereas discouraged, are allowed in-character and are subject to the discretion of the players involved.

If a player is uncomfortable with the use of discriminatory language, they may request it to stop in LOOC chat or a report. All players involved must respect this.

Additionally, players may not knowingly use details of another player’s personal life or identity to discriminate against them.
No more mayor's office defences then? :(
We had a discussion and agreed it shouldn't be allowed to build defences in City Hall. But obviously Mayor's are still free to buy their own properties and build defences in them instead.
''Any form of discrimination, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, is strictly prohibited in all contexts, whether in-character or out-of-character.''

So just to be clear that telling some to ''stop bitching'' for example is now a ban able offense? Would also like a explanation to what ''Xenophobia'' entails, because that sounds extremely extensive if racism does not cover it. Is complaining about ''squakers'' (children) on the radio now against the rules as well?
So just to be clear that telling some to ''stop bitching'' for example is now a ban able offense? Would also like a explanation to what ''Xenophobia'' entails, because that sounds extremely extensive if racism does not cover it. Is complaining about ''squakers'' (children) on the radio now against the rules as well?
I wouldn't say that telling someone to stop bitching is any form of the mentioned types of discrimination, using "bitching" to refer to someone complaining/shit-talking is a pretty common use and I can't imagine that many people using it are doing so in to intentionally be discriminatory.

Xenophobia and racism are similar but different; racism is the act of prejudice/discrimination against people based on race, whereas xenophobia is prejudice/discrimination based on their country of origin. For example, if you were to make a comment hating on me for being British that would be an act of xenophobia but not racism.
So just to be clear that telling some to ''stop bitching'' for example is now a ban able offense? Would also like a explanation to what ''Xenophobia'' entails, because that sounds extremely extensive if racism does not cover it. Is complaining about ''squakers'' (children) on the radio now against the rules as well?
Anything that was previously disallowed in terms of 1.2 is still disallowed. Its just now the rule is more concise to specify that. The rule wording has changed but enforcement has not.
Anything that was previously disallowed in terms of 1.2 is still disallowed. Its just now the rule is more concise to specify that. The rule wording has changed but enforcement has not.
Obviously enforcement has changed since neither context nor it being OOC or IC is taken into account.

Take 24k Triad for example, in the current rule for 1.2 that would be a ban able offense if they talk the way they did last time I met them (mockingly talking like Asians). What about roleplaying Italian Mobsters? 1.2 makes that disallowed as well considering that racism or xenophobia is prohibited under all circumstances despite the context.
and I can't imagine that many people using it are doing so in to intentionally be discriminatory.
Does not matter. The rules state that it is prohibited no matter the context. No jokes, no being in character. Lets say I tongue-in-cheek told you to go eat shepherds pie (i.e to fuck off) as a joke that would be a ban able offense even though I didn't intent for it to be discriminatory.
So just to be clear that telling some to ''stop bitching'' for example is now a ban able offense?
No? Which part of the rule would even remotely imply that?

Is complaining about ''squakers'' (children) on the radio now against the rules as well?
This is also nowhere to be found in 1.2, but complaining about kids on a video game seems pathetic no matter how you slice it, an off-handed comment about this generally won't be a problem. If you were to constantly pick on someone specifically for their voice we might tell you to stop, but no, this extreme enforcement you are worried about exists only in your head at the moment.

Obviously enforcement has changed since neither context nor it being OOC or IC is taken into account.

Take 24k Triad for example, in the current rule for 1.2 that would be a ban able offense if they talk the way they did last time I met them (mockingly talking like Asians). What about roleplaying Italian Mobsters? 1.2 makes that disallowed as well considering that racism or xenophobia is prohibited under all circumstances despite the context.

Does not matter. The rules state that it is prohibited no matter the context. No jokes, no being in character. Lets say I tongue-in-cheek told you to go eat shepherds pie (i.e to fuck off) as a joke that would be a ban able offense even though I didn't intent for it to be discriminatory.
Please understand that this version of the rule has been in place since early June, and absolutely none of the issues you've mentioned have presented themselves. As with anything, intent matters, context matters. Which of the isms and phobias listed in the rule we act most harshly on depends on the situation. No, we will not ban you for telling someone to go eat shepherds pie, that would be ridiculous, we probably wouldn't do anything about that at all, but if you are a person who routinely attempts to actually demean someone due to their nationality, that is different.

Really anyone who isn't just being an outright massive bigot will probably just be told to stop doing whatever they are doing. In the 2 months this rule has been in place, it has essentially exclusively been enforced on racists, homophobes, transphobes and misogynists. Your run-of-the-mill banter about where someone is from is not going to be affected by this.
Take 24k Triad for example, in the current rule for 1.2 that would be a ban able offense if they talk the way they did last time I met them (mockingly talking like Asians). What about roleplaying Italian Mobsters? 1.2 makes that disallowed as well considering that racism or xenophobia is prohibited under all circumstances despite the context.
Faking an accent doesn’t equate to racism unless you’re so up the SJW ladder that you can no longer enjoy reasonable things. The line there is hard to cross, If I were to run through bazaar going “BING BONG TING TONG“ And went on to depict morally questionable stereotypical attributes used to depict Chinese people negatively as a true fact I would be in breach of 1.2. I’m not doing this, none of my org are as far as I’m aware, and we don’t plan on doing so.

So just to be clear that telling some to ''stop bitching'' for example is now a ban able offense? Would also like a explanation to what ''Xenophobia'' entails, because that sounds extremely extensive if racism does not cover it. Is complaining about ''squakers'' (children) on the radio now against the rules as well?
I feel like you know the answer to this already.
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