Police Suggestion [Misc. Suggestion] Job Specific Accessory Management.

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Description of the idea: JSAM for short, is an idea that originates from how the LT would have white gloves pre-whitelist, how TFU have a random chance to get a cap, beanie or a beret and how firefighters randomly get a gas mask or a protective visor on their helmet.

JSAM's purpose is to permit anyone on-duty on any job that is proposed to support it, be able to change their accessories based on rank and job.


From this sheet you'll come to understand what exactly I'm suggesting. Accessories in the PD will be progression based, while the rest in other jobs will be available to everyone.
CoD hats are a bit of a meme in general, just like how they get access to a DEagle with a suppressor & pistol reflex.
Anything with "None" in their fields means you can opt to not have that accessory, or accessories in the "Other" column's case.
The Other column will allow you to compound other accessories in the same category, depending on if they overlap with each other or not. This way you could choose to have a RTU vest and no radio equipment running up your back to your shoulder if you so wished.
(If I'm not mistaken the radio / utility belt around your waistband is a separate bodygroup and not integrated into the actual police uniform itself, correct me if I'm wrong though, which should make it easier to add and remove it from your outfit)

How this should be done is after signing up at the NPC, you speak to the same NPC to ask to change accessories. You'll be brought to the wardrobe menu with only the options to change your gloves, glasses, hats and your special equipment. Accessories will appear based on rank.
Changing to and from RTU and TFU Gear should give you a default outfit, from which point you can change it.

Why should this be added? (pros): This will add, even if minor, more depth to the gamemode in general. Being able to pick how you look has always been something some people have wanted, but not enough who support it to have it implemented. I think it could be done.
@Prepper has been wanting to be able to choose his accessories for ages as a firefighter for example. I personally think it'd be cool to have it implemented overall.

What negatives could this have? (cons): May be excessive. People might start whining when accessories are only available to people with a stripe on their shoulder. But honestly I consider this an incentive to do good in the PD and climb the ranks properly to get nicer benefits.

*Other additions: Ability to save and load outfits for later use.
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EDIT: Change my mind didn't read the whole thing properly. I think this would be a cool idea and like you said an incentive to rank up and do well within the PD since it allows people more freedom to customise their character the more they level up.
Would be cool to have a sort of character editor, similar to the clothes editor. Your model pops up when you go to the armoury and you select firearms and things like this. Might experiment with it meself
As for the PD this could actually just be integrated into the armory, with an additional option to change accessories instead of at the job npc. But otherwise for other jobs it might be necessary.
As long as people don’t come to me saying that TFU showed up late to a shootout because they spent 10 minutes fucking about with clothing then I fully support this idea!
I can imagine this happening. Someone gearing up and then sitting there customising themselves for legit 5 minutes.
Perhaps they shouldn't be TFU if they prioritize changing their looks during an ongoing shootout.
I was midway through suggesting this myself when I discovered there was already an open suggestion for it.

PLPD fashion should not be neglected.
I refuse to share my TFU aviators with other people :O Thats the only reason why I applied :O

I think its a good idea, would love to see this, it would probably incentive me to finish my CPL application that has been open for over 3 months now xD
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