Misinterpretable/ missing rules

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Thought I create this thread to discuss misinterpretable and missing rules.
I'll start of with 2 rules.

Rule number:
Rule text: You must stay at your station at all times, unless you're driving and ambulance, an Escalade or on foot.
Misinterpretation: Last part of the rule says "on foot", does this mean you can walk/patrol arround on foot or is it ment for something else? Also does this rule count for medics also? Because I allways see medics "patrolling" in city on foot.

Missing rule
Rule text: There can only be SWAT if there are Police officers.
Rule number: Belongs to 3.c (The SWAT rules)
Argumentation: Some admins say that there can only be SWAT if there are Police officers and say it belongs to the "Common Sence" rule, yet there are some people that claim otherwise because the rule is not clearly stated in the rules list.
Going to add to your list, here.

  • §3 (c) (1) SWAT officers have to stay at their base if they aren't specifically called to an emergency
    • §3(c) (1) (A) The base is the police garage
    • §3(c) (1) (B)The base can be moved if the mayor/lieutenant permits it

—and yet so many people say it's fine to be anywhere in the Police Department, despite the base not having been moved by the appropriate persons.
to §3(d) (4): it means that you can go on foot to buy some food
to §3(c) (1): the base is the whole PD
I've got a question about the following rule:
§5(b) You can not demand more than $5,000 as a ransom unless you accept an RP payment (e.g. /me gives a suitcase filled with $100,000)

If you rob the bank with 3 hostages, can you ask 3 times $5000 or is it still a max ransom of $5000?
Ruby;n4130 said:
You can ask for 5000 each. But I'm only %75 sure about this, I feel ashamed ;c

Well half of the server says 5000 each is possible and the other half says 5000 is the absolute maximum... :/
I think its 5k all hostage, because, one day when i was police, there was a robbery and he requested 5k and he only gived 1 hostage, after, an admin sayd he needs to give all hostages
To answer this question, and other similar questions, think of the reason(s) why the rule exists; it exists to prevent people from mugging/stealing 'too much' money from an individual - in this case, a government official would have to pay $15,000.00 which is what the rule was meant to prevent; the only exception to this could be if multiple government officials paid up to $5,000.00 each to get to the total demanded.
Luke said:
To answer this question, and other similar questions, think of the reason(s) why the rule exists; it exists to prevent people from mugging/stealing 'too much' money from an individual - in this case, a government official would have to pay $15,000.00 which is what the rule was meant to prevent; the only exception to this could be if multiple government officials paid up to $5,000.00 each to get to the total demanded.
Well if you rob a bank with 3 hostages and there is 3 cops outside does this mean you can ask 3 times 5000 because there are multiple government officials outside?
Luke said:
To answer this question, and other similar questions, think of the reason(s) why the rule exists; it exists to prevent people from mugging/stealing 'too much' money from an individual - in this case, a government official would have to pay $15,000.00 which is what the rule was meant to prevent; the only exception to this could be if multiple government officials paid up to $5,000.00 each to get to the total demanded.
There isn't a clear rule for this situation, so it would need to be discussed; a dedicated/separate thread would be best for this.
Luke said:
To answer this question, and other similar questions, think of the reason(s) why the rule exists; it exists to prevent people from mugging/stealing 'too much' money from an individual - in this case, a government official would have to pay $15,000.00 which is what the rule was meant to prevent; the only exception to this could be if multiple government officials paid up to $5,000.00 each to get to the total demanded.
Asking for the total amount you can get for each person from all the government officials who are not your hostage is absurd because they are technically not your hostage. If you're in the bank holding a hostage and demanding money from officials, I would personally ask for 5k max. If you're mugging multiple people, got them under control and there are no cops in scene, you can ask for 5k each.
I think
  • §6(a) A player may only raid three times within an hour, or the same place twice.
Should change to
  • §6(a) A player may only raid three times within an hour, or the same place ONCE.
Because it conflicts with the new life rule. I have seen many people breaking NLR just because it is allowed to raid the same place twice.
What happens is, they die the first time they try to raid a place. Immediately after they respawn they call their friends for help and immediately go back after 10 mins.
MazZ;n5074 said:
What happens is, they die the first time they try to raid a place. Immediately after they respawn they call their friends for help and immediately go back after 10 mins.

That is against the New Life Rule. You can report whoever does that. People has to learn that NLR is not just waiting 10 minutes to be able to go to the area that you died. It's also about forgetting what happened in your previous life (This is the main idea of NLR actually, not the 10 min rule lol).

But as the rule right now, if someone retreats from the raid and his partner dies, he can go back to try raiding again in that 1 hour time. Because the one who retreated still knows the base exists and you had a fight. He can ask for his partner to help, meaning he can come back and help him (If his partner's NLR timer has ran out of course).
Ruby said:
MazZ;n5074 said:
What happens is, they die the first time they try to raid a place. Immediately after they respawn they call their friends for help and immediately go back after 10 mins.

That is against the New Life Rule. You can report whoever does that. People has to learn that NLR is not just waiting 10 minutes to be able to go to the area that you died. It's also about forgetting what happened in your previous life (This is the main idea of NLR actually, not the 10 min rule lol).

But as the rule right now, if someone retreats from the raid and his partner dies, he can go back to try raiding again in that 1 hour time. Because the one who retreated still knows the base exists and you had a fight. He can ask for his partner to help, meaning he can come back and help him (If his partner's NLR timer has ran out of course).
Yep, to clarify, what Ruby said.

If you or a friend doesn't die during a raid, and are able to run off, revived or not, you can wait the 10 minutes for your friends NLR timer to wear off, then you must say something via in character about going back to there again; as you are the only one who should remember anything about it. This would be classified as the second time raiding somewhere. Even for the person who didn't die.

However if player(s) raid and all are dead as a result of it, if they return immediately after the 10 minutes, that is not allowed unless they have obtained solid proof to go there again, without camping at the place to get it. If player(s) are caught doing this, you may report them. The NLR does not stop just because there is no text on your screen saying something about it, just like how you can still be too close to your death spot even if it does not say so directly. Every life is meant to be completely new and forget anything that happened in the past.