Moderators having double standards, seeking advice what to do here.

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With the following post I seek help of administrators to make conclusions on which actions were wrong and I am looking possible advice on making AR/warning dispute. The story with this post is that 2 sets of moderators followed the same rule very differently and having double standards, when the rule applies to their possible friend. I have also added a video for better understanding the situation.

Please follow the video with the following chapters I have made.

Chapter 1.1

Ever since stealing a Bugatti from Matteo Sanchez which happened 1 week ago, I have been constantly been followed around by his gang and assaulted by them. For example you can see footage of week later not having any interaction with them or their cars having them follow me and assault me.

Chapter 1.2

The one of the members of the same crew punches me and my car. I went after them to take them down, including the current situation and constant previous assault I killed one of them. For that in admin sit I got warned by Super_ for 2.5, 3.4 - User batted down a player who looked like another player who had attempted to punch their vehicle. Yet in the video you can see the player punching me and us not running onto the highway but staying next to it. The player who attacked me did not receive warning for constantly following me and breaking NLR. Since I killed Matteo who didn’t directly punch me this time, but it was his friend who did I got the 2.5 warning. Judging from video and taking account the previous interactions working as a team against me I believe the warning that has given to me is false.

Chapter 2.1

After joining server I see man get killed. I go to see if everything is alright but it turns into bigger shootout. After making F6 get told by Inchs that I was at wrong place at wrong time indicating I look same as the the guys who were fighting. I have similar colour shirt but very different outfit. Since the moderator refuses to make admin sit or provide me the name of the person for report that killed me I make new ticket which is replied by SpaceShots. The moderator also refuses to give me the name to make a report and closes the ticket.

So judging from this either Super_ or Inchs and SpaceShots is wrong. Either the warning given to me is false or I should be able to make AR on the person that killed me. I also find it very unnecessary to hide the name of the person to make action request, why is that? Do we have double standards again due to having friends involved in situation?

Can I please get some advice from higher administration and senior players to see how I should proceed and which rules in this video were broken?
When you batted down the user in question, you had a clear amount of time to research the situation.
When you run into a shootout in red clothing after somebody in red just killed me, it's a pretty clear accident when my friends are just rushing to help me.
However if you want to make a staff complaint, head to that section on the forums.
Sounds to me like you shouldnt be touching guns or starting beef with people if you don’t want them to act on it lmfao. Can’t take the heat, fuck outta the kitchen.
Scuse me a moment, I don’t see any issues as of yet, be right back.

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hmm, still can’t see it. Bear with me a moment.


Is that? no... that can’t be it, hold on...


Nope, can’t see it, sorry dude.


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If your that much of an idiot to break rules intentionally crashing cars to wreck then your lucky your not banned rather than crying over something like this. You wont get any sympathy here. Go outside, it's sunny with a chance of covid.

Staff do give more lenient punishments to friends its always been like that. But its because they know if people are messing around but are reliable to come on the server everyday and follow the rules most of the time. This is something that wont ever stop. Otherwise staff wouldnt have any friends. Unless what they do is something severe and could end up in them getting a staff complaint so they ban their friend. This isnt in your case though. Your just being a cry baby over a warning on yoyr name that just says not to break obvious rules.
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am I blind? you didn't try to brake at all. Also if you were genuinely trying you should go to a doctor because I've seen a brick with faster reflexes (no offense)
I'm just gonna lock this as I honestly have no idea what this is tbh and I have no idea what you mean by double standards

@Jyrgen you literally just contradicted yourself in the evidence you gave and it was a foolish and hypocritical way of trying to justify your actions

If you feel a staff member has done something wrong, you are free to make a staff complaint.

If you feel a user broke rules, you are free to make an action request. Although, it would be better to deal with it in-game.

If you believe a staff member gave you a punishment incorrectly, you are free to make a dispute.

Have a nice day
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