Model Suggestion More alcohol + stilling + Moonshine

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Suggestion Title: More alcohol + stilling + Moonshine
Suggestion Description: Step 1: adding items and features to facilitate this update:

Add the following placable items to PERP:
- Makeshift moonshine still: Can be placed anywhere. Can explode if left unattended for too long. Should use propane tanks.
- Professional Distillery: Similar to crafting benches, can only be placed within properties. Cannot explode. Should only be placable in larger properties such as farm, glass co, etc.
- Brewery: used to make beer or wine.
- Aging barrel: Used for aging sprits as well as for wine.
- Output tub: Plastic tub used as the output for distilleries and breweries.

Add the following food / materials:
- Grapes (red and white)
- Hops
- Yeast
- Rye
- Wheat
- Sugarcane
- Juniper
- Corn
- Malt

Add the following craftable alcoholic beverages with the following recipes:
- Whiskey: rye, Wheat, Yeast, water. Distilled then aged.
- Bourbon: Corn, rye, malt, yeast, water. Distilled then aged
- Vodka: Wheat, water. Distilled
- Wine (red and white): Grapes (red or white depending on type), Yeast, sugar, water. Brewed and aged in a barrel.
- Brandy: Distilled wine (red or white) then aged.
- Rum: sugarcane, yeast, water. Distilled
- Gin: Wheat, Juniper, water. Distilled.
- Neutral Grain spirit: distill vodka. should be a meth base liquid ingredient.
- Moonshine: made when Miscellaneous ingredients that don’t make up any of the above listed beverages are distilled.
- Beer (pre-existing but should be craftable): Hops, Malt, Water, yeast.

The general idea here is a legal alternative to powergrowing or a source of side income for people growing. This should only be legal when done properly, using makeshift stills indoors should be made an offence.

The process for making each type of alcohol should go as such:
- Acquiring the ingredients. Grapes must be grown in planters which should take around 10 minutes per batch.
- Crafting the required machinery to make whatever you wish to choose.

General rundown on how each function would work:

- Add the ingredients into the distillery, then turn on the heat.
- The liquid will begin to brew, slowly filling the output tub attached.
- Once the tub is full of a certain drink, it can, depending on the output, be made directly into bottles of the finished product, or put into an aging barrel. Pressing E on the full container will put it in your inventory and allow you to then place it into an aging barrel if required. If not required, then clicking the finished drink in your inventory will then bottle the drink in a varying amount depending on luck and quality of production (how long it was left in the still, aged, etc.)

- Add your ingredients depending on if you are making beer or wine.
- Brew it for an allotted amount of time.
- Use the output tub to then put it into a barrel to age.

Aging barrel:
Pressing E on the barrel should open a menu, similar to that of a planter box or chemical table, allowing you to place any aging required alcoholic beverage into it.
Times could include:
- 10 minutes for beer
- 15 minutes for whiskey, bourbon or brandy.
- 20 minutes for wine.
- 5 minutes for rum.
Moonshine still explosions:
Moonshine stills should explode if left cooking unnatttended for too long, or if you attempt to distill a double distilled beverage further. Professional distilleries should not explode.

Reaping the benefits of your product:
Selling your product to the pub NPCs in what should be a newly added NPC who functions the same as the drug dealer, or to other players will be the primary source of income for this action.

Rundown of benefits and downsides of each drink:
Beer: Low sale cost, low production cost, Low production time of 10 minutes to brew. Should give a high yield of roughly 8-12 per batch harvested however.
Wine: High production cost, high production time. 15 minute production time, 20 minute aging time. Should produce 10-15 bottles per batch.
Whiskey: Should have a stilling time of 5 minutes and an aging time of 20. Should produce 4-8 bottles per batch.
Bourbon: Should have a stilling time of 5 minutes and an aging time of 15 minutes. Should produce roughly 3-6 bottles.
Vodka: No aging time, 10 minute distilling time. Should produce 8-12 bottles per batch.
Brandy: The most expensive alcohol due to its time consuming nature. Should produce around 5 bottles and take 15 minutes to age.
Rum: Should take around 10 minutes to distill, 10 minutes to age, and should produce around 5-8 bottles per batch.
Moonshine: Product produced when the wrong ingredients are added to a still. Could be beneficial to use spare ingredients to make however and could be used for redneck RP.
Neutral Grain spirit: could be used as a crafting material for meth, however drinking it will make you sick. Made from either double distilling vodka, gin or moonshine. Could also be used to craft molotov’s with potentially?

Ideal prices could include:
- Beer: $75
- Moonshine: $125
- Vodka, Neutral Grain spirit, Gin: $325
- Whiskey, wine: $500 per bottle.
- Bourbon, Rum: $750 per bottle
- Brandy: $1000 per bottle.

Why should this be added?:
- Often requested feature.
- Adds a new dynamic for players
- Adds a passive form of income over / alongside fishing
- Adds a new form of business venture for players to make alcoholic drinks with
- Firefighters have more RP when idiots blow up stills.

What negatives could this have?:
- a lot of development work
- People blowing up an apartment block with a moonshine still, bringing back the old “meth bomb” issue.

I support this so much! There are barely any legal opportunities for actual civilians who don't want to work in a job. This is also a must from an RP standpoint and would perfectly tie to my other suggestion that I made 2 YEARS ago... :

PS: as a side note I have a few key changes Id like to suggest.

1. Bourbon is whiskey, but it's just a special kind of whiskey, just like Scotch is whiskey too.

2. The longer it ages in a barrel, the higher the price should be. The ingredients from which it is made are also a factor of course.

3. The things that are usually aged for a long time are: whiskey, brandy, and rum. While wine can be aged for a long time too, it's not exactly standard practice.
i have also suggested a similar system

1. Bourbon is whiskey, but it's just a special kind of whiskey, just like Scotch is whiskey too.
Bourbon is corn dominant and there’s a huge difference between a bottle of Jim beam and a bottle of Famous Grouse so I listed them as separate drinks
Big +1 for this one. Can’t wait to get my inner Nucky Thompson out of me. Also nice thing to get invested in and mastering. Would take alot of coding tho and will be hard to balance properly. Couldn’t be more profitable than drugs but at same time still at risk of being raided, so needs to make good money. Curious to see how to balance this. Maybe make it doable in Bazaar also? Or make it possible to do multiple distilleries in properties like PufferMart to actually make them desireable again.
And maybe make it so that you can’t grow/dry in properties you do this is. Would make money making even easier otherwise… interesting concept!
Big +1 for this one. Can’t wait to get my inner Nucky Thompson out of me. Also nice thing to get invested in and mastering. Would take alot of coding tho and will be hard to balance properly. Couldn’t be more profitable than drugs but at same time still at risk of being raided, so needs to make good money. Curious to see how to balance this. Maybe make it doable in Bazaar also? Or make it possible to do multiple distilleries in properties like PufferMart to actually make them desireable again.
And maybe make it so that you can’t grow/dry in properties you do this is. Would make money making even easier otherwise… interesting concept!
On second thought, maybe add an illegal element to it also. And possible use for certain alcohols, like cheaper way to make a less destructive bomb. Like a bomb that will only blow door and not props away. Or like molotov thats more potent. Or even benefits paired with disadvantages to drinking the alcohol. Like faster health regen or delayed bleeding out due to blood getting thinner.
I made a duplicate on accident, but I'd like to keep suggesting part of what I had, since this suggestion doesn't mention it. could go through the process of distilling and creating your own moonshine, but rather than just doing so to sell it to the drug dealer, you could either use it for yourself, or give it to players. Perhaps the moonshine would have a gameplay benefit, but with an equivalent downside to it (you have 120 seconds of full stamina, but when these 120s are up, you are exhaused for 60s, FOR EXAMPLE).

This could also be expanded upon by introducing variation in effect based on the quality of the moonshine. If you are skilled at producing moonshine, you'll get better effects, and the drug dealer and other players will have to pay more for your product. This would give players a reason to sell moonshine to others, since drugs aren't really sold to other players, save for Coca Leaves.
Perhaps the moonshine would have a gameplay benefit, but with an equivalent downside to it (you have 120 seconds of full stamina, but when these 120s are up, you are exhaused for 60s, FOR EXAMPLE).
I agree. No produce of any drugs is worth personally using and that's a big missed opportunity for some cool power ups that can either make the impossible situations seem possible or totally screw you over. Currently any personal use is just 1 genetic bump and an annoying screen effect.

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