Probation Officers Get A Gun.

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So i was thinking whilst there is no mayor and 8 police force, Probation Officers should get a Pistol to defend them selves in a shootout in a raid. The weapon they should get is a Berretta M9.

They're not meant to be involved in shootouts, they are there to learn.

plus no one has the heart to shoot one so
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You're supposed to learn, if PO's get guns im certain half of them would be demoted in a few days for misusing a gun.

It's like giving a baby a fucking drivers license
The idea of the PO is to learn how to work as a future officer.

You aint trusted enough yet to have a weapon on you.

Progress further as a PO to earn the rank of an Officer and you'll have your gun
Give em the Kolibri.
HUGE Disagree / -1
Probationery officers should not be given a gun due to :
They are still learning and haven't learned and Mastered on when and when
the gun is needed
There might be times trolls shoot everyone and use the excuse "I'm NEW"
Probationeries are there to learn , help setup perimeters learn little driving and map . Guns are when they only pass stage 3 , is when they show that they are worthy of trusting someone with a gun within PLPD.
Also the last thing we need is a probationery shooting everyone in the department , so I agree how it is now
Also , who said Nightsticks cant kill . If u remember Johnny Nuggets , He was involved in a quick situation where someone opened fire at them , shooter got shot and was low on health . The Probationery went around the van . and hit him once with the nightstick , and boom , shooter is down , with a nightstick . This Method only works with Between Life and Death and Must think very quick . If ur in a raid and run in with a nightstick , that is risking ur life with a night stick against guns and that is not allowed. but when it is a super quick Decision or else ur ded , it got accepted by what this probationery did because he had less than 2 seconds to React , he reacted , and won the fight . The Probationery nowadays is still in plpd and he is an officer doing Great. He changed his name , only Few know who he is . and who he is on the forums
I have to disagree with this suggestion.
When I take PO's with me on patrol, they usually just see how I or other more experienced officers handle situations and later, if he feels comfortable, I let him take the active role under my supervision. This way they learn a lot faster and in a more efficient manner. Such situations do not require having a firearm (and you shouldn't really let a PO alone on an active shootout).

Now if I hand a gun to a PO, what sets him apart from a regular officer? The knowledge and experience. If he gets a weapon he should already be more confident and have said knowledge & experience. Sure some PO's could and probably would be able to use it appropriately. However, the PO rank isn't for such. As mentioned above, it's a way for us to train people so that they can handle situations by themselves (as officers).

In the end this is only my opinion.
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No discussion thread posted, and secondly template hasn't been folllowed. smh.
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