Mr. Revenge - Dumb Posting

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East Grestin Border Checkpoint
Hey guys,

I've had a look at the amount of dumb rating that the user (@Mr. Revenge ) gets, and he gets rated dumb on everything, for no apparent reason, so if I see something that the user posts and is rated dumb when it has something constructive in it, and people wouldn't vote as dumb if it was another user, the offender will recieve a warning point and will be referred to senior administration for further punishment if they deem it necessary. (Some of the people I have noticed do these are as follows; @Trande @Panda @Creepis @Torvald @Minilarro @NamesInsane , these are the people that I've recently seen, if you do this too, you're on the list) This isn't fair, the rating system isn't meant to be used to target a single user.

Thank you.


I should probably add this; the people whom are on the list are the ones that rated the Ban Request post that he put on as dumb, that's why you're tagged, you're not the only ones, and you may not do it, but you're the ones that I've caught so you're the ones that are tagged. This may seem like a stupid thing to throw down but that's the way it is.
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You don't get 158 negative ratings for being 'targeted'. He posts Absolutely dumb stuff on posts and I've even rated him negatively myself number of times. This is an opinion and is not about disliking someone.

Of course people who rate him dumb for no reason should be told however most of the time he acts completley dumb and contributes nothing.

Grow up.
Remove the rating system, if you have something against our opinion? I honestly think that you didn't even read his posts. They're dumb, full stop.
Heil Murtsley, forgot we have to ask before rating dumb. #PerpheadsPoliceState
Glad you've bought this up Murtsley.
After a while, it becomes not bullying but certainly against the ethics we promote here.
To be honest, I think we should respect him for how he's stayed in our community after he's been getting such a negative feedback against anything he does or says.
Vingesus has rated dumb on every post Mr. Revenge made.

It's true that he makes some dumb post, but come on. Many of you rate it dumb for no reason at all.
Listen, people! Just listen, thank you. We all got freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean we have to use it. Have you guys ever heard about keeping things to yourself? This guy is only 11 years old, which means 1 to 10 years younger than you. You say dumb shit when you are young, but do people just go up to you and call you dumb? What if I went up to a random 11 year old and called him dumb for something he said to his friends? We can say what we want, but that does not mean we should. Keep your shit to yourself. Learn to live with stupid people, but remember to act polite. As I get 20-50 comments on my videos a day, I know how stupid people on the internet are, but I don't answer them or insult them. I just ignore them. We both end up living happy.
Stop rating, start masturba- wait....

Just leave him alone. Comment instead. You have all the freedom you can wish for, but so does he. Your freedom stops where his begins.

Thank you.

(Brought to you by the bad rants of TFMK CO.)
Jazz rated over 20 posts of me dumb or disagree too because I rated two of his posts stupid but you have to deal with it and not whine about it. It's just stupid ratings and I checked some of his posts and I can see why they got rated dumb tbh.
Just leave him alone. Comment instead. You have all the freedom you can wish for, but so does he. Your freedom stops where his begins.

Don't rate the 11 year olds posts with a pretty box image, comment on it with hurtful words instead.
Easy solution for this shit: If he posts dumb shit, rate it as dumb, if not don't. If anyone rates something that isn't dumb as dumb, rate it as such, if you just disagree, rate it as disagree. (Like I'm sure some of you will with this post.)
Alrighty then.


This is obviously a unnecessary post, some peoplem could see it as dumb. I didn't as you can see in the comments. I am pretty sure that's something someone would write if he targets someone, right? Please.


I agree, that you could argue about it being dumb. But in my opinion it simply is. He's just pointing out something pretty obvious and at the end not important at all? We all know he broke the rules, so how is a summary of DarkRP mug procedure needed? Answer it, please, since I honestly don't know.


Hm, he's being targeted you say? Why aren't there dumb ratins on this one then? Yeah, because it's not dumb, even quite decent. I would rate it dumb, if I'd have targeted the person. Strange.


Same here, not dumb, no dumb ratings.


A warning request for such a simple thing? That's pretty dumb, even if a Mod told him to do it. It's simply not needed.


He even got warned for it, and it speaks for itself. It's a pretty dumb post.

Yes, we are obviously targeting him.. or something.

EDIT: I don't like making this here public, but your pillory-policy kinda forces me too.
Well, I use the rating system quite often and I've recieved "hate" cause of minor stuff as for example 2 dumb ratings. Now I know this is a completely different scenario, but I'd like to be able to rate as I like. If it's absolutely nothing dumb or something that can be understood in other ways i see it can get consequenses.

However, the recent post of Mr. Revenge was dumb in my opinion as It was poorly written and there were no reason to make an example when it could be shortened to "He might have come from DarkRP, where that's usual." And Mr. Revenge has been recieving hate and negative feedback from the community, but then you should try to get better and in my opinion he has gotten better. This doesn't change tve fact that he might come with "dumb" posts.

And regarding the case of targeting someone with ratings that's just pathetic and should just be overlooked. Ofcourse if the person being rated doesn't like it he/she can report it to a member of the staff for them to look over it, and revenge-rating cause of another person rating your content is just as pathetic and is almost the same as targeting with ratings.

Tl; Dr:

Let us voice our opinion as we like through comments/threads/ratings as long as It's not offensive which is already within the human right, freedom of speech. However this is a Gmod Community filled with banter and if people can't handle it they should try to take a break from the community or maybe just the forums/shoutbox/etc.
Honestly, why make such a huge thing about some negative ratings? when we complain about the abuse of the rating system then we might aswell just remove them and re-introduce the old "Like" system we had in the old forum's.

Or just remove all negative ratings which is also an option.

As I am on the "list" along with other people, I myself really just didn't like the fact, that @Mr.Revenge compared the mugger in the ban request as DarkRP player as that comparison is basically brought up almost everytime a ban request is made on a new player (sweatervest, for you fellas).

Yeah, that is my point on this incident, I hope you understand, and also a sorry <3
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