Hey guys,
I've had a look at the amount of dumb rating that the user (@Mr. Revenge ) gets, and he gets rated dumb on everything, for no apparent reason, so if I see something that the user posts and is rated dumb when it has something constructive in it, and people wouldn't vote as dumb if it was another user, the offender will recieve a warning point and will be referred to senior administration for further punishment if they deem it necessary. (Some of the people I have noticed do these are as follows; @Trande @Panda @Creepis @Torvald @Minilarro @NamesInsane , these are the people that I've recently seen, if you do this too, you're on the list) This isn't fair, the rating system isn't meant to be used to target a single user.
Thank you.
I should probably add this; the people whom are on the list are the ones that rated the Ban Request post that he put on as dumb, that's why you're tagged, you're not the only ones, and you may not do it, but you're the ones that I've caught so you're the ones that are tagged. This may seem like a stupid thing to throw down but that's the way it is.
I've had a look at the amount of dumb rating that the user (@Mr. Revenge ) gets, and he gets rated dumb on everything, for no apparent reason, so if I see something that the user posts and is rated dumb when it has something constructive in it, and people wouldn't vote as dumb if it was another user, the offender will recieve a warning point and will be referred to senior administration for further punishment if they deem it necessary. (Some of the people I have noticed do these are as follows; @Trande @Panda @Creepis @Torvald @Minilarro @NamesInsane , these are the people that I've recently seen, if you do this too, you're on the list) This isn't fair, the rating system isn't meant to be used to target a single user.
Thank you.
I should probably add this; the people whom are on the list are the ones that rated the Ban Request post that he put on as dumb, that's why you're tagged, you're not the only ones, and you may not do it, but you're the ones that I've caught so you're the ones that are tagged. This may seem like a stupid thing to throw down but that's the way it is.
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