mr sergeant husky

Reaction score
This guy called mr sergeant husky james is an outstanding member of the community and continously helps newer players. Also gave me reprimand in PLPD which shows that he gives punishments to his friends also (not his friend anymore because ofreprimand!!!!) so that shows he is not scared to punish his friends and should be enforcer also because knows all the laws and rules @Husky

havea niceday perpheads nerds
[DOUBLEPOST=1509007754,1509007412][/DOUBLEPOST]This is his reprimand, very brofessional:

Reprimand Corporal Garret excessively used his night stick which was witnessed by 2 other Officers, he used it to the point of the person dying. When approached he acted extremely unprofessional by trying to run out of the LT's office and laughing at us. Also called the female that he beat a bitch and dumb. Misused government radio on multiple occasions also.

***94 Police Complaints later

NOTICE OF Dismissal
This is your formal notice of disciplinary action taken against you. Due to a recent complaint, The Professional Standards department have found it appropriate to Dismiss yourself from the Police Department. Please read through this message fully as it will provide you with more information and how you can improve. There is also a FAQ section at the bottom.

Officer Forum Name: Cody Carrot
Officer Rank: PO
Date Issued: 26/10/2017​
Details of Incident
Complaint ID: 0121 go do 1
Misconduct Classification: 99 Other
Date of Incident: 2017-10-26
Time of Incident: 11:00:00
Location of Incident: Forums
Explanation of Incident: Minging​
How to Improve: Don't apply again​


Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the different types of disciplinary action?

There are 4 types of disciplinary action that can be given.
  • Reprimand - A formal expression of disapproval from an act that you have committed/omitted. A reprimand should be seen to be a correction rather than a punishment. A Reprimand stays on your record for 30 days.
  • Written Warning - Permanent warning that stays on your record.
  • Demotion
  • Dismissal - This can be being discharged from the Police Department entirely or being discharged from a certain role/position. Generally, dismissal should only be considered if the employee has been corrected for their deficiencies first, this can be by other forms of disciplinary such as reprimands and written warnings. The exception to this is gross misconduct.

How can I dispute any disciplinary action?

There are 4 grounds you can submit an appeal on:
  • Policy & Procedure, if the actions taken against you were not legal and/or following policy & procedure.
  • Challenge evidence, if you feel that there is a lack of evidence or the evidence is invalid to prove the allegation.
  • Challenge the disciplinary and/or punishment, if you feel that the disciplinary and/or punishment proposed is unfair.
  • Giving new evidence, if you have evidence which is new to the case and was not shown before.
If you wish to dispute disciplinary action, you may make a ticket on PLPD. Online directed at Professional Standards

Who do I go to if I want to see the evidence related to my infraction?

In order for us to keep the anonymity of the complaint, you do not have the right to be shown any evidence related to the complaint. You still hold the right to challenge any of the evidence as shown in the grounds of an appeal.