Hello, I have been playing with these guys since what seems like forever (Must be a year and a half) - and during my time they've been nothing but friendly and professional.
@MrAaron - Before you were enforcer, there was a massive debate throughout the whole admin team wether you'd be any good as an enforcer. Boy, were you! You're active! Friendly! and you honestly do a fantastic job as a Moderator!
@MrLewis - I really think you'd be a great Senior Administrator, as you're active up and around all parts of the community, and socialise with everyone! You know the rules inside and out now and already take the job of managing the staff team easily!
@MrAaron - Before you were enforcer, there was a massive debate throughout the whole admin team wether you'd be any good as an enforcer. Boy, were you! You're active! Friendly! and you honestly do a fantastic job as a Moderator!
@MrLewis - I really think you'd be a great Senior Administrator, as you're active up and around all parts of the community, and socialise with everyone! You know the rules inside and out now and already take the job of managing the staff team easily!