Server Suggestion Mug anti-non consenting

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Suggestion Title: Mug anti-non consenting
Suggestion Description:

We don’t like non consenting. When mugging players who don’t want to consent while under gunpoint we get angre becoz that’s bad.

While tying somebody make it appear like you and the victim are in a zip tying animation. Make it so if you middle mouse somebody it will begin “zip tying” a person like the loading for bandaging someone else. The player will see the loading bar and press a button to cancel it cancelling the zip tie showing that he’s resisting or maybe if he moves enough it will cancel zip tying.

Still 3.4
It still is 3.4 if he has gunpoint.

Deductive reasoning behind this idea
I’ve seen videos of people not consenting and have been the one non consenting. I never can recall once where a player (other than me) moved too much while gunpointed and being ordered to consent. They will stand like a statue. So to be able to cuff them slowly while still stopping this from being abused on players in public seems to me like it can cut down on the number of 3.4s which happen whilst making the game feel more animated.

Safety measure
When a player is AFK (like how the afk thing demotes u while on cop or mayor) then make them immune to manual zip tying.

Why should this be added?:
- more interactivity with zip ties
- less 3.4s
- less people dealing with bad outcomes after a 3.4 mug
- doesn’t break zip ties or make them OP because players can easily stop the zip tie from happening. While mugged players almost always stand like a statue so it will most likely work on them.
- can removes awkwardness during a mugging when the victim didn’t consent.

What negatives could this have?:
- more players may get mugged in public which happens way less than people failing to consent so overall it’s less work for staff cause this problem is actually logged while demo’ed so it’s easier to figure out even when it happens way less frequently.

Useful Images:
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(There are tons of similiar threads which these three are just a few of them)

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(There are tons of similiar threads which these three are just a few of them)

vulnerable to rule breaks and isn't as thorough as my suggestion above
people who refuse to consent also will most likely just refuse to surrender so making it depend on their surrender is no different than making it depend on their consent. when player is being mugged they'll usually always stand there like a statue or a deer in headlights so i would say mine is more practical in regards to all the technicalities.
this is just prone to people being mugged while afk, my suggestion contains a safety measure which bests this idea.

I really do appreciate your input and criticism.

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