Zip ties and consent

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Description of the idea: When prompted to consent on a zip ties restrainment, there should be a timer presented. If you fail to press yes or no, and the timer ends then the "yes" option will be automatically picked. 5 seconds should be enough I think. Maybe 10 but not more.

Why should this be added? (pros): It allows players to zip tie other, afk, players in situations like raids. This way they can free their minds of the possibility that the afk player comes back and shoots them in the back.

What negatives could this have? (cons): I guess people could just go around and zip tie people on the streets, which would be a problem. Create a rule for it maybe? I personally don't like adding a lot of rules but I don't see how it would be solved otherwise.
Having it 10 seconds and notifying the player if he is tabbed out (for example making his gmod icon at the bottom glow yellow like when you respawn) would probably solve a part of this issue.
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No, just get staff to force zip tie people who you’ve caught afk in a raid? This will just be abused.
This would also solve the issue where you are unable to close zip tie menu in demos when it pops out while you are adjusting playback speed, making you completely stuck. But consenting to a search should not be changed as this as that would cause too many issues. There are plenty of players who would gladly mug players that are afk in public spaces, and people like this don't follow rules anyway so adding more rules wouldn't fix it.
Hmmm it's true that staff can zip tie people, something I forgot.
Also the fact that you would be able to mug people in public like that completely went by my mind.
Considering the above I am gonna have to give a -support on this suggestion.

Although it's also true that to mug someone via zip ties, they have to consent to it, so I don't think that it will be abused THAT much. Staff can zip tie people but they can also respond to people who were unfairly zip tied while they were afk.
I have mixed thoughts on this so I'll just change it to somewhat of a +support but will remove the pro that you will be able to mug afk players!
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They have to consent to be mugged as far as I know so mugging in public is not a problem. And you can easily break out of zipties if you are ziptied in public, when jay hatch kidnapped me for 2 hours I was able to break them very fast so I think it the longer you are restrained the easier it is to break free.
Basically what has been said above. There is a timeout for zip-tie searching so that it auto consents if you fail to respond. However, we don't want to have to deal with people zip tying people at spawn then taking their stuff while they're AFK.

As mentioned above, staff members are able to force it if required.

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