My personal opinion on the staff on Perpheads and their management.

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Okey, so lets start this as my own opininion about the staff and their management skills.
The staff of perpheads can be seen as: Monkeys who pretend rp, monkeys who doesn't care about their friends in staff breaking a rule, monkeys who ban people because they have a higher rank.
Now, this can be seen as what i think. I don't think the staff are monkeys, no not at all. But i can see them as ''People with higher rank who can abuse their powers at any rate, and hire people without knowledge to actually become a staff member ''
Woah! Why could you possible write this? Are you asking to get banned? No, not at all. I'm pointing out my own personal opinion about the staff. Thats what i'm doing today and im in a mood for doing this.
When the owners started to recruit new enforcers, i knew things werent going to be any better.
Now this may be uninportant to someone but here are some examples of the enforcers and helpers breaking a rule or two, or something else:

Red Paradoxin: Was my secret service when my limo went underwater ( evocity ). Came with a suggestion and tried to lift the limo up with his physgun.

Chrissy: Got his police car stuck at the mud beside the old inn ( still in evocity ) and used his physgun to take it out.

Trande: Former enforcer who got demoted recently.

Napoleon Bonaparte: Former enforcer who got demoted.

ernierock: Good o'l ernie who became a helper without any knowledge of the new server rules and its updates.

Twitty: ( this was a long time ago ) Cdmed someone at burger king, when i was in a admin sit with him, i was gonna explain what happened then he said: I am not listening. Then i got banned.

Deadly gamer 5: Former moderator who recently got demoted

Max: I know the reason why max got demoted. It wasn't because he broke any rules or bad management etc. I know the reason why Max got demoted but i'm not gonna tell it as its a secret. I do think the owners know though.

Perpheads is my all-time favorite server, but nothing is perfect right? I chose to say my opinions today.

I wouldnt say the owners was 'corrupt' but i would say something very near that.
Thank you for the detailed criticism (irony off)

About Chrissy, his car was stuck INSIDE the mud like almost under the map. He had to use the physgun or else it would reduce the roleplay.
I'm glad you show us your view about the staff. When it comes to staff breaking rules I think it's important if it has happened yesterday or a long time ago,
I hope that everyone will learn about the mistakes they made and try to follow the rules as much as they possibly can.
I fully agree with you that staff shouldn't break the rules, but mistakes happen. Still, abusing your physgun should not be accepted.
Criticism is always good, since it can (if done correctly) help improve the overall server experience.

But my suggest to you Robert, is that if/when you see a staff member do something you think is wrong (thinking about rule breaking or power abuse here), go on the Teamspeak server and poke a senior staff member, and if none are available / online try getting a staff member with a minimum rank of Moderator, who is above the person you are accusing in rank. Example, see an enforcer do something wrong -> get a senior admin or minimum moderator and upwards.

Do remember that we need evidence, so get a demo or any other kind of recording to back up your claim.
Fexxe said:
Criticism is always good, since it can (if done correctly) help improve the overall server experience.

But my suggest to you Robert, is that if/when you see a staff member do something you think is wrong (thinking about rule breaking or power abuse here), go on the Teamspeak server and poke a senior staff member, and if none are available / online try getting a staff member with a minimum rank of Moderator, who is above the person you are accusing in rank. Example, see an enforcer do something wrong -> get a senior admin or minimum moderator and upwards.

Do remember that we need evidence, so get a demo or any other kind of recording to back up your claim.
Thank you for commenting. Yes, i'm aware that this can be done, but i felt like i needed to show my opinions to the players.
You're right.

Well, I also have to critize something. I really like playing on PERPheads, it's great fun, you always get a laugh, and so on. But I am pretty sure noone really plays on it for the Roleplay. If you want to SeriousRP you go on some Clockwork-Server, not on PERPheads. Even trying to serious RP leads to no greater thing, because nobody really Roleplays. Roleplaying is not /me drags.
But what really fucks me up is that not even the Staff-Team Roleplays. The server has a big "SeriousRP" sign in his name, but all I see is not even Semi-Serious Roleplays. It's NOT everyone. Some people are doing really great Roleplays, which lead to funny scenarios, best example is prepp3r (or pr3pper, how ever^^), and this strange guy whichs camera I threw away, because he annoyed me. These things make it fun to Roleplay. But really, the majority isn't event trying. I stopped reacting to /me drags. Seriously, who the hell are you dragging, or what are you dragging? Is it too hard to type /me drags the suspect. Or /me grabs the arm of the suspect, dragging him to the police cruiser. And no, I am not trying to get banned either, it's just something I had to share. And by the way, if you really want to SeriousRP, then you would have to /me every single shot.

Sorry for abusing your thread for this, Robert. Just tell me, if you want me to remove it, or post it somewhere else.
Trande said:
You're right.

Well, I also have to critize something. I really like playing on PERPheads, it's great fun, you always get a laugh, and so on. But I am pretty sure noone really plays on it for the Roleplay. If you want to SeriousRP you go on some Clockwork-Server, not on PERPheads. Even trying to serious RP leads to no greater thing, because nobody really Roleplays. Roleplaying is not /me drags.
But what really fucks me up is that not even the Staff-Team Roleplays. The server has a big "SeriousRP" sign in his name, but all I see is not even Semi-Serious Roleplays. It's NOT everyone. Some people are doing really great Roleplays, which lead to funny scenarios, best example is prepp3r (or pr3pper, how ever^^), and this strange guy whichs camera I threw away, because he annoyed me. These things make it fun to Roleplay. But really, the majority isn't event trying. I stopped reacting to /me drags. Seriously, who the hell are you dragging, or what are you dragging? Is it too hard to type /me drags the suspect. Or /me grabs the arm of the suspect, dragging him to the police cruiser. And no, I am not trying to get banned either, it's just something I had to share. And by the way, if you really want to SeriousRP, then you would have to /me every single shot.

Sorry for abusing your thread for this, Robert. Just tell me, if you want me to remove it, or post it somewhere else.
No, you're right. Perpheads isnt serious RP anymore. 2% of the people who plays on this server takes this as serious RP. And thats really unfair because it stands : Serious RP. Hell, i even doesn't take this as serious rp anymore. Even the owners don't serious rp.
Thank you for commenting.
Trande;n17771 said:
You're right.

Well, I also have to critize something. I really like playing on PERPheads, it's great fun, you always get a laugh, and so on. But I am pretty sure noone really plays on it for the Roleplay. If you want to SeriousRP you go on some Clockwork-Server, not on PERPheads. Even trying to serious RP leads to no greater thing, because nobody really Roleplays. Roleplaying is not /me drags.
But what really fucks me up is that not even the Staff-Team Roleplays. The server has a big "SeriousRP" sign in his name, but all I see is not even Semi-Serious Roleplays. It's NOT everyone. Some people are doing really great Roleplays, which lead to funny scenarios, best example is prepp3r (or pr3pper, how ever^^), and this strange guy whichs camera I threw away, because he annoyed me. These things make it fun to Roleplay. But really, the majority isn't event trying. I stopped reacting to /me drags. Seriously, who the hell are you dragging, or what are you dragging? Is it too hard to type /me drags the suspect. Or /me grabs the arm of the suspect, dragging him to the police cruiser. And no, I am not trying to get banned either, it's just something I had to share. And by the way, if you really want to SeriousRP, then you would have to /me every single shot.

Sorry for abusing your thread for this, Robert. Just tell me, if you want me to remove it, or post it somewhere else.

Yeah, this is becoming a serious problem, there were numerous scenarios where i've been stopped by a police officer, who can't RP properly, and uses /me drags, I try to rectify this, but then he complains to an admin for 'stalling RP', which is total bullsh*t, and i'm getting fed up of it.
jagace said:
Trande;n17771 said:
You're right.

Well, I also have to critize something. I really like playing on PERPheads, it's great fun, you always get a laugh, and so on. But I am pretty sure noone really plays on it for the Roleplay. If you want to SeriousRP you go on some Clockwork-Server, not on PERPheads. Even trying to serious RP leads to no greater thing, because nobody really Roleplays. Roleplaying is not /me drags.
But what really fucks me up is that not even the Staff-Team Roleplays. The server has a big "SeriousRP" sign in his name, but all I see is not even Semi-Serious Roleplays. It's NOT everyone. Some people are doing really great Roleplays, which lead to funny scenarios, best example is prepp3r (or pr3pper, how ever^^), and this strange guy whichs camera I threw away, because he annoyed me. These things make it fun to Roleplay. But really, the majority isn't event trying. I stopped reacting to /me drags. Seriously, who the hell are you dragging, or what are you dragging? Is it too hard to type /me drags the suspect. Or /me grabs the arm of the suspect, dragging him to the police cruiser. And no, I am not trying to get banned either, it's just something I had to share. And by the way, if you really want to SeriousRP, then you would have to /me every single shot.

Sorry for abusing your thread for this, Robert. Just tell me, if you want me to remove it, or post it somewhere else.

Yeah, this is becoming a serious problem, there were numerous scenarios where i've been stopped by a police officer, who can't RP properly, and uses /me drags, I try to rectify this, but then he complains to an admin for 'stalling RP', which is total bullsh*t, and i'm getting fed up of it.
Thank you, Jagace. Yes, these things happen too often, lately.
Here is where I stand on this, the points you have made about staff members are clearly not true unless you can provide evidence, maybe if you want to help us out when you see an Admin abuse you could send us a demo not make a forum post and moan about it, Me Bolli and Menta have been working hard to improve the Admin team after Fredy did the rash thing of promoting a bunch of people without knowledge if they can be trusted and only asking a few staff members for opinions on them. Although you feel some staff members might abuse the thing that really matters is how much they benefit the community, for example if a staff member answers reports all day and while RPing he lifts his car to get it unstuck the chances are nothing is going to happen to that staff member due to them being a large benefit to the team, its only after a large amount of abuse that a staff member is demoted from his rank.
Alex_:D said:
Here is where I stand on this, the points you have made about staff members are clearly not true unless you can provide evidence, maybe if you want to help us out when you see an Admin abuse you could send us a demo not make a forum post and moan about it, Me Bolli and Menta have been working hard to improve the Admin team after Fredy did the rash thing of promoting a bunch of people without knowledge if they can be trusted and only asking a few staff members for opinions on them. Although you feel some staff members might abuse the thing that really matters is how much they benefit the community, for example if a staff member answers reports all day and while RPing he lifts his car to get it unstuck the chances are nothing is going to happen to that staff member due to them being a large benefit to the team, its only after a large amount of abuse that a staff member is demoted from his rank.
I would love to share a demo, but everytime i try to view it my game crashes.
Trande said:
You're right.

Well, I also have to critize something. I really like playing on PERPheads, it's great fun, you always get a laugh, and so on. But I am pretty sure noone really plays on it for the Roleplay. If you want to SeriousRP you go on some Clockwork-Server, not on PERPheads. Even trying to serious RP leads to no greater thing, because nobody really Roleplays. Roleplaying is not /me drags.
But what really fucks me up is that not even the Staff-Team Roleplays. The server has a big "SeriousRP" sign in his name, but all I see is not even Semi-Serious Roleplays. It's NOT everyone. Some people are doing really great Roleplays, which lead to funny scenarios, best example is prepp3r (or pr3pper, how ever^^), and this strange guy whichs camera I threw away, because he annoyed me. These things make it fun to Roleplay. But really, the majority isn't event trying. I stopped reacting to /me drags. Seriously, who the hell are you dragging, or what are you dragging? Is it too hard to type /me drags the suspect. Or /me grabs the arm of the suspect, dragging him to the police cruiser. And no, I am not trying to get banned either, it's just something I had to share. And by the way, if you really want to SeriousRP, then you would have to /me every single shot.

Sorry for abusing your thread for this, Robert. Just tell me, if you want me to remove it, or post it somewhere else.
Trande;n17771 said:
If you really want to SeriousRP, then you would have to /me every single shot.
/Me's are for replacing actions that are not possible within the games boundaries, since shots are in the game already and you can already aim a gun and shoot using in-game mechanics it doesn't need a /me much like pulling a gun out, it is clearly shown in-game that you have pulled a gun out.
Alex_:D said:
Here is where I stand on this, the points you have made about staff members are clearly not true unless you can provide evidence, maybe if you want to help us out when you see an Admin abuse you could send us a demo not make a forum post and moan about it, Me Bolli and Menta have been working hard to improve the Admin team after Fredy did the rash thing of promoting a bunch of people without knowledge if they can be trusted and only asking a few staff members for opinions on them. Although you feel some staff members might abuse the thing that really matters is how much they benefit the community, for example if a staff member answers reports all day and while RPing he lifts his car to get it unstuck the chances are nothing is going to happen to that staff member due to them being a large benefit to the team, its only after a large amount of abuse that a staff member is demoted from his rank.
That doesn't mean other people aka me can't see it.
Alex_:D said:
Here is where I stand on this, the points you have made about staff members are clearly not true unless you can provide evidence, maybe if you want to help us out when you see an Admin abuse you could send us a demo not make a forum post and moan about it, Me Bolli and Menta have been working hard to improve the Admin team after Fredy did the rash thing of promoting a bunch of people without knowledge if they can be trusted and only asking a few staff members for opinions on them. Although you feel some staff members might abuse the thing that really matters is how much they benefit the community, for example if a staff member answers reports all day and while RPing he lifts his car to get it unstuck the chances are nothing is going to happen to that staff member due to them being a large benefit to the team, its only after a large amount of abuse that a staff member is demoted from his rank.
I mean like when i'm trying to find the one showing the proof, it just crashes. So i never know the one with the proof. Can you view a demo without using Gmod?
Trande said:
You're right.

Well, I also have to critize something. I really like playing on PERPheads, it's great fun, you always get a laugh, and so on. But I am pretty sure noone really plays on it for the Roleplay. If you want to SeriousRP you go on some Clockwork-Server, not on PERPheads. Even trying to serious RP leads to no greater thing, because nobody really Roleplays. Roleplaying is not /me drags.
But what really fucks me up is that not even the Staff-Team Roleplays. The server has a big "SeriousRP" sign in his name, but all I see is not even Semi-Serious Roleplays. It's NOT everyone. Some people are doing really great Roleplays, which lead to funny scenarios, best example is prepp3r (or pr3pper, how ever^^), and this strange guy whichs camera I threw away, because he annoyed me. These things make it fun to Roleplay. But really, the majority isn't event trying. I stopped reacting to /me drags. Seriously, who the hell are you dragging, or what are you dragging? Is it too hard to type /me drags the suspect. Or /me grabs the arm of the suspect, dragging him to the police cruiser. And no, I am not trying to get banned either, it's just something I had to share. And by the way, if you really want to SeriousRP, then you would have to /me every single shot.

Sorry for abusing your thread for this, Robert. Just tell me, if you want me to remove it, or post it somewhere else.
No, /me's are not only for replacing action, which are impossible in the mode.

In SeriousRP, you normaly don't S2K (Shoot to kill). On PERPheads you obviously do. A roleplay would look there like this:

Guy1 pulls out his, glock 20, and flicks the safety off, and aims at the opponet, standing behind him and pressing the pistol into his back.
Guy2 jumps up, and turns around, horrified staring into the the face of Guy1.
Guy1 pulls the trigger multiple times, hitting Guy1 in the chest.
Guy2 gets hit, and falls down, nearly instantly dying.


Guy1 looks out of his cover, and uses his AK47 to fire multiple rounds at Guy2, without much aiming.
Guy2 jumps in cover, and pulls out his Barreta, flicking the safety off.
Guy1 again lurks out, and fires multiple rounds to the general direction of the Guy2.
Guy2 is still in cover, and keeps his head down, while the bullets rush past him.
Guy1 stands up, walking up to the cover of Guy2, having his weapon butt hardly pressed against his shoulder, briefly looking through the iron scope.
Guy2 jumps up, and aims at Guy1.
Guy1 immediantly pulls the trigger 3 times, giving Guy2 no chance.
Guy2 gets hit by the bullets, and falls down, his Baretta falls out of his hands, and lands on the bottom.
Guy2 then mutters something, not very understandable, and dies.


Pew, pew, pew.

All of this would be in /me's. This is SeriousRP standard.
Alex_:D said:
Here is where I stand on this, the points you have made about staff members are clearly not true unless you can provide evidence, maybe if you want to help us out when you see an Admin abuse you could send us a demo not make a forum post and moan about it, Me Bolli and Menta have been working hard to improve the Admin team after Fredy did the rash thing of promoting a bunch of people without knowledge if they can be trusted and only asking a few staff members for opinions on them. Although you feel some staff members might abuse the thing that really matters is how much they benefit the community, for example if a staff member answers reports all day and while RPing he lifts his car to get it unstuck the chances are nothing is going to happen to that staff member due to them being a large benefit to the team, its only after a large amount of abuse that a staff member is demoted from his rank.
You can give the demo to alex and he could watch the whole thing thru.
It's rather ironic how you feel you're in a position to judge the PERPheads administration when you have only had negative experiences with them due to your ten bans on record.
Acerius said:
It's rather ironic how you feel you're in a position to judge the PERPheads administration when you have only had negative experiences with them due to your ten bans on record.