My promises as CoD, as well as addressing concerns you might have.

Reaction score

As you know, I'm running for CoD.

I'll keep this brief, As I have a lot of documents to write up in regards to the training divisions I am a part of. My promises are:

Sections and there supervisors:
Due to corporals not wanting to step up as supervisors, and the majority of people I've spoken to who want to be supervisors are SO's, the role of Deputy section supervisor will be open to Senior officers. They will have the same procedure as a corporal will have. My reasoning for this is I've spoken to many officers about applying to be my deputy section supervisor, and the only ones who want the role are senior officers. You could argue that if they aren't corporal, they aren't qualified for deputy section supervisor work. I strongly disagree with this, as if they can pass the interview and written application, they're qualified. Rank doesn't always equate to competency. As usual, standard requirements, such as recent infractions, server bans, etc. will also be in effect.

"Reserve Sergeants" will also be able to step into section work without going through the whole process in the event of a lack of applicants, as most will already have had the role of section supervisor beforehand.

On top of this, officers will be able to "Apply" to change section at there own desire, on the grounds that:
- They haven't recently voluntarily changed section in the past 3 months
- They can provide a fair reasoning for there transfer. Examples include if they know that they're better off in that section due to knowing the supervisor well, or if there section supervisor isn't acting in a manner they wish to be a part of.
- The section they are transferring to will not disproportionately alter the "Balance". E.g if a section already has a large amount of officers in it.
- They are attempting to move to a section composed of officers that are not in there division. Examples include a patrol officer requesting to go to a traffic division.

In my opinion, a Sergeant is a leader, and as such, should maintain some sort of leader rank in a division or sub division to maintain there rank as a Sergeant, so it could well end up that Sergeants that aren't trainers or section supervisors be assigned to sections again. But we'll sort that one out as we go down the line.
The escalade will NOT be deleted, due to old players such as @Creepis informing me how much hassle it was getting the escalade added. The "New" vehicles will still be implemented, but the escalade will be kept for Sgt+.

RTU will be kept as is with no difference in the application cycle, Equipment, etc. There will be updates as implemented by developers and the command team.

The possibilities of more updates for this division will be looked into and requested, alongside adding more benefits and reasons to stay in the Patrol division, as currently joining RTU Gives you access to superior equipment, such as vehicles for pursuits, speed cameras, etc. I will also see to it that patrol trainers actually have PLPD Resources to work with, rather than using 3rd party applications for documentation of important patrol training data.

Trainers, Professional standards, and IA.
These people are essential workers in the PD who perform there duties to a standard above and beyond anyone else in the PD. The work and time they allocate for there services to improve and maintain standards in the PD are much appreciated. Regardless of rank, ALL Officers in these divisions will receive recognition.

LT's giving extended punishments:
I've witnessed this being abused, such as giving extended parking tickets just because the Lt is having a hard time dealing with a situation. In regards to this, Should I get chief, the only reasonable, legal excuse for allowing a larger punishment would be for Felonies, Or repeat offences.

Should this not come across to people and this continues to be used as a form of passive aggressive punishment, the limit will be raised from Lt to Major.
Police awards, commendations, etc.:
I Would see too it that anyone of the rank of Sgt+ Can fill out a form with evidence of an officer acting above and beyond the call of duty to ensure officers receive commendations, such as medals of valour. This will give officers more incentive to perform there duties excellently. Any abuse of this system that gets found, such as "Staging scenarios" will be dealt with swiftly.

An example of these awards would be if a Sgt witnesses an officer doing actions like evacuating the general public from a scene, handling hostage negotiations well, and generally attempting for a peaceful resolution before resorting to violence, then the officer can recommend them for an award. Officers who show a perfect balance of competency, subordination, desire towards the safety of the general public and there fellow officers will be rewarded for there actions.
This will primarily be my first course of action that I take should I be selected as Chief of Department.


Ultimately TFU Will remain the same and most of the command work will be left to the specific heads of these divisions. As a TFTO, I've been informed of changes to the application cycle which I welcome greatly. Equipment, level of armour, and limitations will be looked into and adjusted accordingly by TFU Command with my guidance.

Reinstatement Policy is already being changed to my knowledge, should this not be implemented by the time a chief candidate is chosen to be the next Chief of Department, then this will be top of my priorities list.

I currently have a word document being written up regarding training scenarios for TFO's which once completed, will be sent to the division heads. Personally, TFU not having Training sessions is something I find to be unacceptable.

A recruitment drive for more Tactical firearms trainers will be run, as the current list of active tactical firearms trainers is dwindling, and it being one of the most important divisions of the PLPD in regards to officer safety and law enforcement, I feel as though training sessions should be implemented, and we can't host training sessions without more staff.

Qualities that would make me a desirable candidate for CoD:
- I'm very active on the Server and forums
- I'm active on the Teamspeak 3, popping on to see who's online at least once every 3 days
- Previously before I became a senior officer, I was an "underdog" in the PD, often playing cop daily without receiving recognition for a promotion.
- I've been a member of the PD since June 2017, making me somewhat of a "New comer" in regards to server activity, but I've been in the PD since there was a simpler rank structure. I've witnessed all major PD updates since June 2017 and seen the effect they've had on the server.

Please address concerns and criticisms below! I wish best of luck to my fellow candidates running against me!​