My Resignation

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It may come as a surprise to some, it may not to others, but I have decided to resign from my role of Moderator. This is not a decision I have made lightly, but recent events (which will not be discussed) have made me certain in this choice.

I do not want to leave on a bad note, in-fact, I have loved the majority of time as a staff member. As of recent, I have began to lose interest in this role. This is not because of any specific reason, I simply haven't been as motivated and have preferring doing other things.

I have made lots of friendships and had lots of great experiences in my time as staff, but there are a few mentions I would like to make:

@flugs for generally being amazing, I hope you become admin once again!
@Collier for giving me the opportunity to prove myself as staff member.
@blobvis 2.0 you're amazing and dutch, that's two pluspoints!
@Niko You're a legend!
@Hayden thx for always helping me out and replying to my sometimes annoying messages!
@Shay for being a young lady
@Racxes good moderator bloke

@everyone, you're all amazing in your own way, some of you might be a bit annoying, but in the end we all enjoy playing on the server!

I hope you can all remember me for all the good things these last 10 months instead of anything bad! This isn't a goodby post, you'll still see me playing on the server!

Best Regards,
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The staff team and the community are going to loose an amazing staff member. Thanks for the work you did curak, and good you're still sticking around!
You were a genuine merit to the staff team and it's gonna be different without you. I think everyone appreciates all of the hard work you put in. Cya around men!
Although I didn't directly mention you rogue, you're amazing!
:( you were involved in at least 2 of my administrative thread world records how am I supposed to break those now?
@rogue It's amazing, i still use it! I've gotten to the point, where I get temperature and time just right for my taste! Enjoying it every day!
noooooooooo curak now how am i gonna take the piss out of you and you send me flying into the skybox ??