New Computer

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United Kingdom
Long story short, my brother has essentially fucked this computer which means I can't really play Garrys mod or any other games really. So I'm going to save up for a new cheap computer. I am going to save up around 500-600 pounds which i can spend on a computer however i know little amounts about hardware and what manufacturers are "good quality" etc.

This is my proposed build.

Can you guys tell me what's good, what can be changed or edited. The idea is to have a fairly decent PC for 500-600 pounds.

Cheers lads.
Well I'd recommend switching the GPU from the 750ti to the GTX 760 I had that card (2GB MSI Twin Frozr IV was my model) for 3 years and provided me some great performance, good FPS on high demanding games such as GTA V (30-60fps on normal) on PERP the frame rates I got like 15-30fps (which wasnt a big deal for me) but still the GTX 760 is overall, a brilliant GPU. So if you can I recommend the 760. Other that from what I see, All good!
(Also question, besides the SSD your getting, are you also get a HDD? If so how much space?
AMD Processor? Really? You chose AMD? What's wrong with you? NEVER PURCHASE AMD.
If you want more info, go speak to your local Alex_:D

Seriously, AMD don't care about if their products are shit or not, their support service also sucks, and they copy off other companies.
Get Intel 4460 instead, kinda the same price.
What i recommend is reusing parts, You can reuse almost everything from your last PC. Since i don't know what your last PC was here is my suggestion. You should measure your case(for new GPU sizes) and reuse it if the new GPU you're hoping to use fits. I can't express to you how much intel is better than AMD for gaming so get a I5 4460 there is literally no difference in price and it will improve gaming performance alot . Don't get an SSD without a hard drive as you will run out of space pretty quickly, SSD's are a luxury and aren't needed in budget builds but i guess the HDD can be one of the things you can reuse. I don't know what mobo you got but i don't recommend cheaping out on that either, use the money you saved from reusing your case and get this bad boy. Mobos won't actually improve gaming performance but you will need a good one so in the future you don't need to buy another one also in the future if you get an unlocked CPU and decide to overclock it you wont need to buy a mobo that supports overclocking as this one already does its just a good choice really. . If you can stretch your cash to £680 this is what i recommend getting, I am no expert but i do know what i'm talking about and this is a good setup and will be what i'm going to put together pretty soon with only a slight change to the GPU i will be getting the 380 rather than the 960 but im sure Nvidia fan boys will disagree
RAM: im thinking you had at least 8gbs of RAM in your setup(Hopefully) If its DRR3 then that to is reuseable.
Since your PC actually starts and you are able to write this post your PSU is fine but you will need to check the Watts its pumping out and it's able to handle everything your new PC has, if not then you will obviously need to buy a new one but if it does GREAT you saved some more cash
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Yay or nay?
With these parts, i'd recommend switching out the AMD processor. It's bang for your buck indeed but considering AMD is working on a new architecture and Gmod being very single core intensive it doesn't seem a wise move. Plus they are very power-hungry.

Buying yourself an intel processor will save you running costs (they run at a good 40-50w lower - this is the same as 2 standard UK lightbulbs) and you'll get your money back on paying a little extra quid for a more supported and cheaper to run processor!