The forums are used daily, and a new design is totally needed in my opinion; I made a forum design so tell me what you think and give me
your opinions.
AMAZING! But I just see that you changed the background style, and you added a title saying PerpHeads, the color of the forums class title, and the category header, didn´t you had any idea for the navegation menu? Like a new color to the selected one, or something? But the website is good.
AMAZING! But I just see that you changed the background style, and you added a title saying PerpHeads, the color of the forums class title, and the category header, didn´t you had any idea for the navigation menu? Like a new color to the selected one, or something? But the website is good.
The thing about the navigation in Vbulletin is it's quite simplistic and not very versatile, therefore nothing much amazing could be done with it - To be honest, I think it fits rather well.