New Job: Detective

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Topic: Detective Job

Hey, this idea is originally Murtsley's but since he is too lazy to make a topic, I guess I'll make one for him.

Short explanation:
- New job: Crime scene detective, they would be station at the PD and wouldn't be allowed to patrol.
- They would drive an unmarked - black car (I suggest a Dodge Charger).
- The job would be limited to 2 slots and 1 car.
- The job would be a premium job as it would require a reasonable amount of RP experience to utilize the job's abilities.
- The job would have an advanced DNA scanner that could track drug plant owners and time of planting.
- Access to government radio and the PD doors
- Would be unarmed and would rely solely on other officers for protection (this stops patrolling and enforcing the law)
- Detective would only respond to a scene if authorized / called to by another officer.
- You're not allowed to go undercover, you're there to solve crime, not to be James Bond.
- You can't interfere with everything in the Police Department, you're just meant to handle murder and vehicular murder related crimes.
- You have to take into consideration that you're not super cop, and that you can't just do things like this; "(/me attempts to find a gun in a trashcan) |ROLL| 100" and things like that.
- You must also ONLY USE THE DNA SCANNER AS HELP, it's not valid just to run up to someone and scream IT'S HIM, but you can use the model shown, then get finger prints, but you have.
- You're not higher, you're not lower than the other police officers, you're also meant to follow what the chief/lieutenant says.

Detailed description:

Personally I feel a lot of RP potential is wasted in crime scenes, for instance if a raid is initiated and drugs are found inside, the usual thing to do at the moment is just grab the drugs and claim the payment and nothing more is said on the matter, or the homeowner is arrested and charged. I feel if the detective job was added a feature could be implemented to trace the drug plant's owner, but of course it wouldn't be put there bluntly (what fun is there in that), the answers would come in unfinished names and descriptions of the suspect and the detective's job would be to use intuition and other clues to solve the crime. This could be applied to a variety of scenarios e.g. Murder, robberies, mayor assassinations etc. However a disadvantage to this job is for it to be utilized to it's full potential all people involved would need to RP it correctly, and the job relies on police officers being aware of when the detective is needed.

The detective would also be an useful resource for the police team during interrogation to gather evidence and settle a sentence. If you think this feature would make the criminal's life impossible as they won't get away with anything, you're wrong because this opens the possibility of alibis or other arguments that the detective would use intuition to suss out, that of course would be decided by a roll.

Thank you for reading and if you feel I have missed anything or have any observations feel free to let me know in the comments.

- MoronPipllyd / RE9741 / Hugh Jones
StephenPuffs said:
I would say this job should be unarmed, and would simply be a PI rather than a police detective really, while police can call them in specifically for a case, they would be allowed to roam around trying to find cases themself, which if foul play is discovered they would report to police all the information they have uncovered. Obviously not allowed to raid or anything themself, but just an unarmed person who tries to catch the underworld of Paralake City. Because I feel if the person is armed with some gun, they would take it as a sign they are allowed to go after criminals single handedly which would defeat the purpose of this job. But I don't see there being much need for 2 of these really, unless set by the mayor or something to 2. As they would be on the government payroll, just not solely working for them. Also they would never respond to active police scenes, only after the scene is secured.

@Carrot Having finger prints deteriorate would probably lead to false identifications and loads of reports, so I don't see this as being necessary. Also the likelihood of the PI ever finding drugs before they've started to deteriorate is unlikely so I would rather just have it always identify the proper person, but they would need to take the "prints" back to the "lab" in PD to get a positive identification. Such as giving them a unique number which they would jot down in their phone to store the info then talk to lab assistant to find out who it belongs to.

This would also involve police calling in PIs to scenes with illegal drugs before gathering them up, to positively identify the plant as well as who it belongs to, so instead of sending each person in a residence for the same time due to drug possession they would be able to specifically send some people in for longer.

Anyways, my point is, this could be a really neat job if RPed properly. But relies heavily on people understanding what their role is exactly, which is why I maintain no firearms given to this job. But I do not believe they should sit around waiting to be called out either, as this will lead to AFK and/or no one joining or people wanting to money farm.

P.S. The lights/sirens idea is unneeded, they are not emergency services and don't need a reason to speed to scenes, they arrive to simply investigate not be sure no one flees.
@Stephen, i agree that they should not have guns becauseof that reasons that you came with. What about you add taser gun in, and they would be armed with taser gun to protect themself?
Good suggestion man, but i think you should have a couple of cars to choose from, people will begin to know who you are if you are always in, for example, a black dodge charge. +Support!

angry english man.jpg
I think detectives should be able to have guns, In the US detectives carry guns as well give tickets-Being a detective can be just a dangerous as being a cop. Also by not giving the detective a weapon is like adding another paramedic job, Detectives dont just go and work on dead bodys witch is a doctors job they also go and solve dangerous cases.

Rping as a detective can only be done right if a player has idea what a detective really is so, I think they should have either a very hard test or application to become a detective.

Whitch can be given after intoerigating a suspect,Where a officer had lack or little evidence.

Although people shouldnt act as james bond,I think raiding a house you have evidence on for example this murder lead you to the suspect home who isnt well armed or maybe isnt even home. In other words detectives wouldnt respond for backup on raids but can only raid when they are on a case.

Why guns come in handy.
Detectives are also like regular cops who dont go around patrolling,they are there to solve a case and get as much evidence as possible. Example a suspect shoot someone ran into the forest hiden the weapon then was captured then released because lack of evidence-Suspect goes back into the forest for hes weapon while the detective follows him- Without a gun the detective wouldnt be able to detain or defend himself if spotted. Yes the detective can have a officer with him but it would pointless if the suspect shoot and killed him and the officer has a job to do.

Job Info
Detectives are plainclothes investigators who gather facts and collect evidence for criminal cases. Some are assigned to interagency task forces to combat specific types of crime. They conduct interviews, examine records, observe the activities of suspects, and participate in raids or arrests. Detectives and State and Federal agents and inspectors usually specialize in investigating one of a wide variety of violations, such as homicide or fraud. They are assigned cases on a rotating basis and work on them until an arrest and conviction occurs or until the case is dropped.
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Suggestion for this job, the detective is allowed to stay home and wait for respond. Lets say Jack is a detective from the police, he just arrested a criminal who murdered someone. The arrested guy got an organization. The members just got the information that he is in jail now and they search the detective to kill him. That means he is after arresting someone really popular for other guys (in negative way). Nobody should know that JACK is a detective.
+\- support,
-He need pistol if needed, suppressed berreta is good.
-Useful job to follow suspect in unmarked car, in police car its not really.
-Detective must have 3-5 unmarked cars, different colors. Then other citizens cant identify detective.
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