New PC


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SOOOO im gonna start saving for a new pc, *Not building myself, cant be arsed* Had my eyes on the nzxt H1, but wondering if there's anything else out there I've missed, streaming and gaming is gonna be baso its only use. H1 is the front runner with an i9 9900k and a 3070 fe.

also are 300+ refresh rate monitors worth it? 144 at the moment but its getting a bit outdated.
I know you don’t wanna build yourself trust me I don’t either but I’d highly suggest ordering the parts and taking to a local pc shop, will cost like £20-50 to get it all done and setup, some even install the OS with that fee too.


no, 300hz monitors are not worth it, get a 240hz though.
its more of the warrenty aspect mate i could build it myself if i wanted too and cut out the middle man, but NZXT come with 2 years free warrenty and try finding a 30 series card for the right money for it to make sense is a mind fuck
@Husky nah the h1 is only 1500 with them specs depending where they sourced it from someone worked it out to be marked up by like 6 dollars
it is really worth building it yourself, pre built pc's get fucked in delivery and are just genuinely shit, it's also quite fun building and learning from it. If you really don't want to you can get it built by another person who has the knowledge, but if you really want a long lasting good pc build it yourself trust me. Especially with the high end pc you're going for, if anything fucks up in it you won't know what to do.
I will ill get a new one sent to me hence why the warrenty is the major selling point. Also the components in the prebuilt would be same price if not more expensive if i were to buy them on their own.
@Kempotent ive done tonnes of research and watched countless videos. A pc with a 10th gen i9 and a 3070 would cost me minimum 2k with decent parts seperately. H1 mini is 1500 quid
@JRW Fair enough if you're happy with it, I just think you should be assed to build a PC worth 1.5k, An i9 and 3070 together are around £1000 if you look into it there could be some cheaper alternatives to the other parts, e.g mother board, case. At the end of the day it's your choice and if you're happy with it go ahead
@JRW to be fair that does sound like a good deal, i guess if you have anything you want to do with it you could just take the parts out and rebuild it, but i would still never buy a prebuilt, thats my personal opinion on them.